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Of love and loss...

Well, here I am...650 miles from my former home in Florida; back inmy hometown in North Carolina. And what a ride it was just to get here. I'm not just talking about the 10 hours in a car with 2 disobedient dogs; I'm talking about what it took to get out of Florida in the first place. I was scheduled to leave on Saturday, Sept. 1st but due to circumstances beyond my control, I was not packed and ready to go yet. Sunday came and went and still unable to leave town. Monday, September 3rd, 5:00 PM...I shut the door on the Uhaul trailer, load up my dogs, say goodbye to my girlfriend, and head for the gas station. After fueling up and prepping myself for the coming journey, I start out for the interstate. Less than a quarter-mile later, my trailer fishtails and I'm off the road and into the trees. My truck is totaled by the insurance company, a bunch of my furniture was damaged, and I'm still not out of Florida. So, after some help from the parents, I got another Uhaul and managed to get back to Noth Carolina in one piece by Wednesday night.

Now that I've made the move, I'm living out of a 10x10 storage unit, a duffle bag, and my friend's spare room. I have no access to console games, so my PSP and DS are my best are my portable DVD player and a few James Patterson novels. I've been wondering if this was even a wise decision since I had to leave behind my ex-wife, daughter, and pregnant girlfriend, but I keep telling myself that it's for the best and they will all be following me to NC in a few months. On the bright side, I'll be getting a part time job (which may progress to full time) with GameStop so I'll have the employee discount to help with my gaming addiction, and I should be able to replace my PS2 (and maybe the 360) in a few weeks if all goes right. In some ways, it's good to be home...