Hello everyone...my unemployment streak continues, so I'm completing games. Well, what games I have left in my collection that is. So, immediately after finishing Heavenly Sword, I decided it was high time I got started on Prince Of Persia. Considering I've had it since the day it came out,it's probably long past time to check it out. To be honest, I really don't know what to think.It felt more like "Prince Of Pac-Man" to me. The majority of the gameyou collect sparkling light seeds. Look a lot like dots to me. And to collect these "dots", you run all over a maze-like world over and over until you get them all. Then you have 4 main boss characters that show up, one for each section,and they're somewhat "ghosts" of their former selves. Do you see where I'm going with this comparison?
It's not that I didn't enjoy P.O.P. because I couldn't put it down. In fact, I received the "Speed Demon" trophy for completing it in under 12 hours on my first run-through. Mind you, I haven't gotten every last light seed and several other trophies, but I did a fairly decent portion. What really bothered me was the lack of deaths in the game. You could miss a jump and go flailing over a ravine, but Elika is always there to help you out. This makes it feel like there are no consequences for mistakes. Basically, trial and error until you get it right. It makes the game a whole lot less frustrating than it could have been, but dare I say too easy? Especially with there only being a handful of standard enemies, and most of them you could kill with one hit if you found them fast enough. The ending also made me scratch my head. It was a "wow" moment, but really felt more like a way to help sell the DLC epilogue for those who don't like the ending.
Other than minor details, this was quite a good game. The graphics are beautiful and the controls are fairly decent. (I did have a few spots where the prince wouldn't do as he was told.) The puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but the seed locations can get down-right tricky. And even though it only took 12 hours or less to complete, it seemed to be just the right length. Some areas got a little repetitive as did the lack of boss battle variety, but overall,I can highly recommend this, especially for those who loved the POP:Sands Of Time trilogy.Just don't go in thinkingit's gotas much action as the previous titles...this one's more ofa platformingadventuresimilar to the very first POP.
Next on my list? Silent Hill Homecoming has been patiently waiting...there's also Alone in the Dark Inferno and Dark Sector. We'll see what mood hits me in the next few days. All the best everyone, and thanks for stopping by!