I'm not one for getting older. Hell, I think I'm old enough as it is, but that time of year seems to roll around again and again. Well, it's a helluva lot better than the alternative right? (For those of you who have no idea what I'm babbling on about, I'll be 31 tomorrow...Sunday for those who read this late). I'll be avoiding mirrors (so I don't have to see any gray hairs), scales (so I don't have to think about how out of shape I feel), and people in general (because I don't want anyone making a big deal out of it). What I will be doing is playing Mario Kart Wii all afternoon. Sure, the family wants to grill out, but I want to sit in my comfey chair with fully charged wii-mote batteries and racing wheel. I don't care if anyone joins me, but I'll be gladly taking all challengers as I waste the day away. The only thing I'll stop for (besides tastey meats from grill) would be to watch Doctor Who. Yes friends, it will be a lovely day. And you never know, I may throw in an X-Files episode as well...I mean, really, I've gotta get ready for the new movie right? I haven't seen all of season 9 yet so I need to get caught up...
So everyone have a great weekend and know that I'm having one too...and if you feel like it, grab up a Mario Kart title of your choice and toss a Koopa shell for me.