After some serious debate (and aconvienent 50% bonus trade special at a local GameStop), I managed to part with a few titles that have sat on my shelf in favor of Uncharted 3...and fully paid it off! (Of course there is a gaping hole in my game shelf now, but whatever...) So far I'm very happy with the game. I don't care what all these forum whiners are complaining about. I enjoy a cinematic game and that's exactly what I got.
HOWEVER, I do wonder how I started up the game this evening, less than 24 hours from release, and find that there are people with level 40+ characters in the multiplayer already. How is that even possible? Do they sleep? Do they have no life? And where is the fun in that? I like to take my time and enjoy the story before getting too deep in the online content. I know not everyone plays that way, but I can't understand the joy in grinding through multiplayer as fast as possible, maxing out your level, and having nothing left to do later. Eh, but that's just me. Perhaps I'm not a "hardcore gamer" anymore...
Oh, and what gives with DC Universe going Free-to-Play and requiring an 18GB download? After 4 minutes of downloading (after having to download a 122MB file for installand then a 125MB update???) I got severely impatient. It sat mocking me at 0%. Not going to happen.Thanks DC, butI'll stick with Arkham City...which I've already finished (see previous blog entry).
All the best everyone!