If you did not watch Lost last night and don't want to spoil it...don't read this.
EP 603
Last night's episode of Lost was so good. There was a "flash sideways" that showed an alternate timeline (beginning in 2004) for the Oceanic 316 passengers as if they never crashed. Most of the flash sidways featured Kate and Claire. Kate commandeers a taxi cab with a very pregnant Claire to escape from Edward Mars. Claire was attempting to give Aaron up for adoption (the whole reason she came to the US), but the adoptive mother's husband left her, and she changed her mind. Immediately after Claire and Kate scold the lady, Claire has some wicked contractions and has to go to the hospital. We also saw the return of Ethan Goodspeed as he assisted with Aaron's delivery. He was a much kinder, gentler Ethan.
In the present (2007), we saw a newly revived Sayid who didn't remember anything since being shot. Sawyer has a meltdown over the death of Juliet and leaves the temple solo. Lennon reaffirms that everyone (816 survivors) must stay at the temple for their protection. Kate decides to go after Sawyer, Jin, who wants to find Sun, volunteers to go along with her. Two of the Others go to "protect" Jin and Kate.
Dogen has Sayid brought to him to "test" him by torturing him. He tells Sayid he passed the test, but later confirms he didn't when he talks to Lennon. Jack, very angry that they tortured Sayid, goes to Dogen and demands answers. Dogen tells Jack in English that Sayid is infected and emplores Jack to give Sayid a pill he personally made to "cure" him. After talking with Sayid, Jack decides not to give him the pill and confronts Dogen a second time. This time, he demands to know what's in the pill and swallows it to show he seriously won't give the pill to Sayid without knowing what it is. Dogen immediatly beats the crap out of him to induce vomiting. He tells Jack that the pill was poison, and they needed to kill Sayid because he had been claimed (by who I believe to be the MIB or Smoke Monster) and his heart would eventually be consumed by darkness like his sister, Claire. Is this the virus/infection that Rousseau spoke of in Season 1?
Kate and Jin escape from the two Others, and she and Jin go separate ways--she goes to find Sawyer and he goes to find Sun. Kate finds Sawyer at the village as he grieves for Juliet. Sawyer tells Kate he planned to marry Juliet and blames himself for her death because he asked her to stay so he wouldn't be alone. He throws the engagement ring in the lake and agrees to go back to the temple with Kate. Jin is recaptured by the Others, and one guy is angry that Kate bashed him on the head (now twice). He attempts to shoot Jin and Claire, who emerges from the nearby bushes, kills him and wounds the other man.
I cannot wait to see the next episode. Lost comes on ABC at 8/7C and this is the sixth and final season. You can watch this episode and the previous three at the following address: http://abc.go.com/watch/lost/93372?cid=fullepisodeaccess
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