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Runescape, good gosh why?

Before anybody gets any misconceptions, this is not another burn, stab, or roast of Runescape, in fact, I stand in defense of Runescape and all of its moderate glory. To begin I guess I should add a bit of a disclaimer, I have not actually looked to see if there is in fact a posting/reviewing page for Runescape but now that I am already typing this blog up I have no mental drive to go and find out. If there is indeed a page such as the one I described, this whole post might appear twice on this website, maybe with some grammatical errors fixed though, as I tend to make quite a few.

Anywho, I am just about tired of hearing how much everybody hates Runescape with a burning passion of livid indignation when they find Halo 3 the King of all Videogames. While I do admit, Halo 3 was good fun online, the storyline fell flat on its high-budget face, the fact of the matter is, Runescape is not all that unbearable. While again I do admit something, Runescape does have an annoying amount of people (noobs) who really seem to only exist to act as the focal point for virtual hate for all of the game world. These noobs (yes, it is a legitimate term) simply hang about the most populated areas in the world and beg for anything they can get, whether it be money, items, food, or those ridiculous coloured wigs that are used to scam a surprising amount of people. But every once in a while it can almost be fun offering millions of gold to give away verbally and watching all of the trade messages appear, and then either teleport or log off. Sadistic thoughts aside, the community of Runescape is not something to openly smile at, even when excluding the mass majority of level 10 or less characters. In fact I have effectively classified most level groups into personalities based on the amount of experiences I have had associated with them.

1-10: The Noob Crowd: Pretty self-explanatory, most people either- A: Blow right through this range with clever and efficient level ups. Or B: Stay at this range forever and simply beg for completely unnecessary reasons. Honestly, they could be reading a book or something instead.

11-27: Mind Growth Crew: Around this time this mess of folks behaves something like an infant or toddler. They have the capacity to learn much about the world around them and to grasp hold of concepts that could and probably would become very important. However, some members of this era may not retain much at all if Goblin-Farming is commonly used instead of questing.

28-40: Full Speed Ahead!: At this point, I found it impossible to leave Runescape alone for more than a day because right about then, 90% of the non-member world opens up to you and you can begin to really gain respect, money, and items at impeccable speeds. However, this is also the era of competition and often times you will find yourself locked in a mental battle with the thousands of others throughout the worlds that want that Coal Rock you need to get your smithing level up.

41-58: Toughening up: While the amount of change from the last level range is somewhat less than palpable, I think that this range, for me at least, was the most sobering. This was where I began setting up wish lists and budget plans based on daily income (and they say videogames cannot help you learn.) Also this was the level range in which I, and a number of my friends, died when in full armour as such, we began to really learn about the good and bad of the world.

59-75: Mass Industry: I know this level range quite well myself since I held onto it for many years, and with well explained reasons! As the title may entice, you may find yourself simply mass-producing money-making items such as Bowstrings or Rune Essence to buy that Dragon Longsword. Naturally, this phase and the other phases following will be very difficult to work through if you are a non-membet. As such, the number of non-member characters with this level range drop dramaticly.

76-99: The Long Haul: Since my character rests i this position, I know full well what this one is all about. This is the range of levels in which you do nothing but work yourself to the bone doing every single quest in your list and selling every rune med-helm you come across. Suffice to say, around this time is when I found myself, as well as my friends, quitting the game for good because of the long and tedious grinding of enemies and crafting of items.

100-110: The "Hundies": This stage seems to be something like dream and the level 100s just like to float through it on cloud >9000. I have found that a number of "hundies" are exceedingly arrogant and bombastic in speech and in action, often calling you a noob if you are not on-par with them in items, money, or skills.

111-136: The Elders: While my experience with these elites is somewhat limited, I can soundly tell you that almost all of them, at this point, still play Runescape because they know that people will look up to them. That, as well as having accumulated such vast wealth over the years, makes them care very little about what happens to their character and can either be seen giving away money for the lulz or fighting un-necessarily steep odds for the sake of excitement.

Hmm... It appears as though this post has become something similar to my, "A People Person" message that I left not oh so long ago. Yes... I think instead of focusing on gameplay and such I have effectively summarized the caste system that is far to prevalent in the world of Runescape. Well fine then, I suppose this will suffice as a legitimate posting, after all, it will give me a bunch more tags, which is always good. *Mental note to self* Actually write a real review for Runescape sometime.

For anybody who wants to know my character's name is Shademikey, level 80. I do not have members any more and probably never will again, so don't expect much if you see me online.

Frayed nerves and broken bones do not a weak man make.