Whats up everyone?
Josh here with yet another amazing achevement in the audible medum, or am I clogging it up? Whatever, in a desperate search for ratings we make this podcast all hot and steamy with us trying this with no pants. Thats right, all natural......oh wait......there no video.......
In this addition we talk about:
What we have been doing.
We suffocated the "main topic" section, to bring you a whole new thing: Versus Play- Blizzcon vs. Quakecon
Tenchu Z is the bane of my existence.:twisted:
Kevin crappy SD TV vs. My 10 in. hd LCD
Vibratey gameboy?
Drop me a PM or an email at Marshy50@yahoo.com, or leave me a comment about how I've been driving.
And your santiy can be found if you.....
Download here.