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On Point Podcast Episode 16- Maps

As I work on a new way to get my podcast out there, other than being on this site, I just want to post the podcast on here for your enjoyment. I don't know what to say about loved his sty1e and his reviews. He gave his opinion on a game and if you didn't like it, you didn't read it. Well, as I pour one out for him, I post this cast. In this episode...

1. We sing our hearts out in RockBand.

2. Continue talking about all the games we have been playing

3. We were stuck in a place that didn't have internet....sorry for little news.

As always we take any comments we can get on this page,, or PM me. I don't know where we will be next but I will post on here telling you guys. I want to stay in touch with aim is MarshyMan50......I'm getting a Gametrailers account and I'm trying to start a new website....

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