MartinDB-SR506's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 10 (86%)
Rank: Phoenix Down
Points: 99315

MartinDB-SR506's Emblems

  • Tagger Flirt

    Tagger Flirt Awarded to those who've had a brush with the tagging system, enabling themselves and others to make it a wee bit easier to find certain content.

  • Game Expert

    Here to save the day! Game Experts are knowledgeable and skilled masters in at least one game and have proven this by unlocking at least 75% of the achievements available for it. If you've ever got a question, a Game Expert's usually a good person to ask.

  • 100% Club Member

    The best of the best of the best, sir! Unlocking every achievement available for a game is a task that only the most dedicated of players complete, and for that we salute you.

  • Best of 2010 Readers' Choice Chooser

    Participant in the 2010 Readers' Choice awards. Voting in only a handful of categories is for babies--babies who won't get this achievement! These dedicated not-infants voted in 80% of available categories like a grown-up.

  • Best of 2010 Dark Horse Rider

    Underdogs don't always win. That's why they're underdogs. This user voted on every category, and their choices more often than not were not the Readers' Choice winners. They chose...poorly.

  • E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Attendee

    E3's just not the same without dudes getting chainsawed in half, amirite? I watched the Microsoft E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • E3 2011 Nintendo Conference Attendee

    Another E3, another hardware announcement. I watched the Nintendo E3 2011 press conference during the week of E3, and am a better person for it.

  • E3 2011 Stage Show Samurai

    This achievement brought to you by alliteration! I watched an episode of GameSpot's Live E3 2011 Stage show during the week of E3 and secured my place amongst the samurai elite.

  • Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice Chooser

    Participant in the Best of E3 2011 Readers' Choice awards. I voted for every category in the Best of E3 2011 awards and made my voice heard.

  • Robocorn

    Hey look, it's a totally original dude wearing armor. With a huge gun and a helmet (a visor?). And he's riding a unicorn. This user was granted this magical emblem for not having any of their user profile images hosted on untrusted websites during The Great Purge of March 2013.