Marvel_89's forum posts
I only have enough money for either: Warhawk (with headset as it is selling for $30) & R1, or just R2. What should I get? Also, I'd probably rent R1 if I bought R2.
I figured I'd stay in and rent some game(s) and have a nice gaming night with a few friends for halloween, but I'm not sure what games are good multiplayers worth renting (I only have one console and no internet connection just yet-my computer's in my room-and the bigger tv is in the living room).
Any ideas as far as what I should rent? It doesn't necessarily have to be a "scary" game.
Thanks in advance!
I recently read an article on G4tv about the possibility of marvel vs capcom 2 being available through PSN. Can anybody confirm this? This is huge.
Also, there are rumors going around about a MVC3 possibly coming out based on Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige saying that we might see a new marvel vs capcom sooner than we think. This statment was quite a while ago though and I'm wondering if anybody has any updates on this also.
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