Man has it been a while since I wrote on here (as if anyone really cares anyway... well except one person ;)) but I guess it's time for an update because... I'm online and feel like it?
So much gaming and I'm SOOOO happy about it! Thanks to a certain someone (same person who reads these posts) I got to play my most favorite game, and my first one that I ever beat, drum roll please.... *drrrrrrrrrrr* CHRONO TRIGGER! And it's all thanks to gamespot inducting it into the game hall of fame, and I say it's about time! ...not that I knew there was a game hall of fame, but now that I do it should have been in there a LOOONNGG time ago. I played it, still love it, beat it, and will eventually get all the different endings for it (already got 2 depending on how you get to the final boss).
Then I got back FFX2, my loving boyfriend got it all fixed up for me (stupid scratch made me freeze up at the same point and I couldn't play it for about 3 years, and I was at 99% on my third play through... 99%... 3 playthroughs... and I couldn't finish!). Well I played through from the beginning again, following a walkthrough (got tired of not figuring out what I missed) and finally got the "good" ending. Was it worth it? ...meh. I'm not saying it wasn't good, I wasn't really expecting much so I got more than I thought I would, but it wasn't all about the good ending... well it started out being all about the good ending but then it turned into just getting 100%... seeing that beautiful 3 digit number on all my saves. I got it in the 5th and final chapter, still don't know what exactly I missed because techinically you can get more than 100% though it doesn't show if you play through twice (big plot point with a decision that changes the rest of the game so choose different the second time) but it feels SOOO good to finally get that done. I didn't do all the little side dungeons in the end because I just wanted to finish so I could start up...
SHADOW HEARTS! I loved the second one, so funny but serious and good... everything! So I HAD to play the first one so I could get all the little inside jokes and see if I changed my mind about the "good" ending actually being the better one. I didn't like the ending because the hero is stuck on the girl from the first game (one I never got to know because I started on the second) and there was one in the second game that loved him and she wouldn't do anything about it and he didn't notice? I'm trying to remember back and I have a HORRRIBLE memory which is why once I finish the first one I'll go right into the second... and then maybe the third? So far I don't see all that much going on between the hero and the girl and I'm almost at the end... yea she said she loved him, but not to him, and it's almost over! How are they supposed to have this HUGE love that Yuri can't get over if it's not shown that much and the game is almost over? Ok ok, enough girly love talk, thats not me... most of the time :) The game is pretty good, I probably would have liked it better if I had played it before the second one because the second one is better, but hey! I gotta know all that goes on in this Shadow Hearts universe.
The Chrono Trigger and the beginning of FFX2 was all during college and *shudder* finals, but I got 4 A's (ok ok 1 is an A- but it's history and thats just not my thing, but an A in Organic Chemistry?! I deserve a cookie for that!) and 1 B (Oraganic Chemistry lab... yea that class wasn't easy). Now it's some job searching so I can fund my ever growing video game library, as well as maybe a few clothes, my wardrobe is still mainly stuff from high school and I'll be going into my third year of college! I gotta replace all those that have gotten too worn or "shrunk" over the years.
WHEW! LOOOONG UPDATE but I'm all worn out now so buh bye!