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So I'm still complaining about not gaming, but I can't really anymore.  Thanks to my younger step brother I got to play some games, though not ones I would pick out to play.  Yu-Gi-Oh and Thundertanks... Soul Calibur II was nice, especially when we found out some of Yoshimitsu's crazy moves... we still think he sucks as a character but his attacks make me crack up! :D

Then I went and saw my dad, hijacked his OPM's for the past 3 months to catch myself up on all things Playstation, then I popped in the 3 demo discs, not all at the same time of course! Can't put in more than 2 discs in a Playstation at a time (don't ask!).  Found myself cursing the stupid timed demos... well, not cursing, if you know me you know I don't curse much, but I was sputtering!  The three demos I kept trying to get farther in before being kicked out was Okami, Shadow Hearts: New World, and... and... *mind goes blank*... ummm, right, anyways.

Okami is beautiful! When my dad played it he barely got into it because he kept stopping to look at the art.  The only bad thing I can say about the game is that sometimes I wasn't sure what to do next, had to explore the town to see who I could help with my awesome brush skills!  Ok, they're not awesome, they really suck, my circles and line cuts don't always accomplish what I want because I don't draw so well :)

Shadow Hearts was exactly what I expected it to be, and I can't wait to play it... though who knows when that will be!  And of course now I'm hearing more and more about Final Fantasy XII and Kingdom Hearts II, but I'll probably be lazy and cheap and wait for price drops on all my games before I buy.

And today, I had a half hour to kill, so I put in... Mad Maestro.  Why Mad Maestro? I have no idea, but I got through 2 concerts and am that much closer to unlocking... whatever it is I'll unlock when i finish all 15 of them.

So I guess I'm sloooowly getting back to my games, can't wait to fire up an RPG!

UPDATE: I remembered that other game (finally!).  It was Drakengard 2... the flying was difficult, fighting 360 degrees ain't easy! (I can use ain't, I'm from Maryland!) and the ground battles were a little too easy, the bad guys just stand around for the most part... but dragons and fighting... I'm sure I'll get this game eventually!