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Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie Mode Video/Confirmation

A video has been been put on Treyarch secret website depicting a group of TVs showing video of zombies, doctors, real videos of experiments on human and a team of gas mask wearing soldiers firing upon zombies and doctors. I belive this is what most of the World at War zombie lovers have been waiting for.. an actual confirmation on Zombie Mode.


After viewing let me know what you think about the new video! Hopefully everyone that reads this is as excited as I am.

Are game developers getting LAZY?

With the new fade of Xbox Live/ Playstation Network game releases it seems that everyone wants to put their game out for the world. Games like Castle Crashers, ShadowComplex and other high end titles have really made a name for this type of Downloadable genre. But is this ability to get games for cheap and fast causing game developers to slack on the goods?

This topic might even cover some DLC discussions. Should we have the developers realase a game before all content is added so they can charge us an additional fee for another 2 hours of game time? People praise Mass Effect 2 for all the DLC that was available but doesn't it seem shady that alot of their DLC came out with months of the games release?

A good example is the new Sonic games that are coming out, which have been announced to be released as "epsiodes." This means that the developers will make a game and STOP that game knowing that their is more gameplay/ boss battles/ levels etc. that are being set aside for the next game. Almost as the developers isn't putting all of its cards on the table but hiding a few under the table to cheat for the next game.

Are XBL/ PSN gamegetting the same treatment just so develoeprs get their name and product out? Best example I can explain is the new Tango Down or Blacklight game on XBL. This is a FPS (First Person Shooter) that really has no story, characters, immersive world or anything. It's pretty much a bare bones shooter with slight progression. Why wouldn't I play Modern Warfare 2 which has better graphics, gunplay, comes with a story, comes with actual Co-op missions?

As a Call of Duty fan, why Halo 3 MP is better.

... to keep it simple, balance.

Halo 3's Multiplayer has one of the key concepts of some of the biggest Multiplayer game in FPS history... Weapon Spots. This is where you say "What the Fridgerator is a Weapon Spot?"

It has been shown that if you give a large group of people the choice of weapons to start off with, 45-75% pick the cheapest and "noobiest" gun they can...most obviously,the infamous Noob Tube.

Games like Quake, Halo 1,2,3, Alien vs Predator, I belive the Delta Force series did also and even original Call of Duty games had this concept. I belive one of the onlyseries to evenly balance gun power is Tom Clancey series.

The tactics of a team fighting for positioning are much more intense and fun than the tactics of the random fire Noob Tube across the map for a 3 person kill. Imagine how intense Call of Duty would be if you'd have to fight for weapon crate drops for any kind of rockets or grenade launchers.

Why I also belive Bungie will be the most profitble company formultiplayer gaming.

A new found Hatred for EA

I dont hate all of the games they make just the company in a business stand point.

Theyve decided that instead of having their 3rd party companies work on their titles a little longer and give time between titles that they are going to release 3 "could-of-been" game of the year nominees within weeks of each other as fast as they can.

I personally spend alot of money on games, so I may not be a problem for EA. But the core gamers are not going to be spending money on the upcoming titles. Army of two just recently came out, Mass Effect comes out within 2 weeks, and then Dante's Inferno comes out just after. Why would EA release Mass Effect 2 (an extremely anticipated title) and then Dante's Inferno (and extremely hyped title) just a week after?

List of expected titles:

Mass Effect 2, Dante's Inferno, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Skate 3, MMA, Medal of Honor. Dead Space 2

This doesnt even include titles that have JUST been released:

Army of Two, Dragon Age, The Saboteur, fifa, madden. ncaa, the beatles rockband, Brutal Legend (came out awhile ago), Need for Speed: Shift (came out awhile ago)

Slow down EA, almost 90% of these titles could have had just a little more polish

9 weeks of releases in 3 months!!!!!! Read for List

If you happen to browse GameSpot's New Releases page you'll notice that once you hit January you are literally scissor kicked in the back of the head by a slew of new game releases until the month of march. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:


Bayonetta, Darksiders, Army of TWO, Dark Void, Mass Effect 2 and MAG


Grand Turismo 5, BioShock 2, Dante's Inferno, Blur, Aliens vs Predators, Splinter Cell, Lost Planet 2


Bad Company 2 and (no exact date confirmed) God of War 3

This has got to be the most anxiety filled couple of months for us hard core gamers. To own all of these games you would have to spend around $1000 give or take $100 on what versions of the game you buy. I suggest everyone start saving their Christmas money or start asking for Gift Cards.

I am a little disappointed that none of these developers took the opportunity to get the "before christmas buzz." Are these developers really THAT scared of Modern Warfare 2 that they are saying "Well I guess Santa Clause is going to play Modern Warfare 2 this year?" I really think that in a months time, people are already bored with Modern Warfare and are looking to get into something a little more personal.

QUESTIONS TO READERS: What is your plan for the next 3 months? Are you planning on going broke and attempt on buying all these games or do you have a couple already picked out and plan on sticking true to your outline?

PERSONAL OPINION: I personally get a Blockbuster pass (1 movie and 1 game because I am dating and girls want to rent their own stuff) so I get to play ALL the new releases. Although, I will most likely STILL purchase 3 games. I am guessing those 3 will be Dante's Inferno, Army of TWO and God of War 3.

Zombies in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 please!!!

Im not cofirming it, Im just saying it would be bad ass...

Im not talking about the unoriginal... 100 dumb zombies run at you as fast as they can... Im talking about Team Tactical style game play with a squad, mabye in a small town, with modern weaponry and some scary intelligent zombies. I ACTUALLY shouldnt even say Zombies.... More like Lichs (but I wont). Zombies that use flanking attacks, unexpected ambushes, decoys.. .etc. NO, ZOMBIES CANT USE GUNS.. it would be cool but would totally kill my idea... They are undead so they would need to be taken out by either headshots or dismemberment. Imagine if Call of Duty MW2 made love to Left 4 Dead 2 and then their kid got FEAR 2 pregnant.. What would be born would be sex in a console. What do you think? Mabye some other Ideas?

Co-Op or No-Buy

I understand some game situations can only involve a single person. This is no excuse for not including a good story co-op. First game to pop into my head on this topic is the new GhostBusters video game. I feel like with the amount of time they put into the half ass infernal engine that runs this game.... they could of atleast let me play with a friend through the story. I mean serisouly if Im playing a game based on a team of people I want that team of people to be friends, not some retarded NPC with two bit one line jokes. Developers need to base their entire game around playing with your friends as online is the new requirement for new games. You CAN have fun with single player games but if your putting millions of dollars into these games, be smart and let me enjoy them with my friends. The lack of co-op in an amazing game can put the game from extrodinary to average... for example.... Fable 2. Amazing game but the lack of FULL co-op (Using each person own character) really broke the game down. Which brings me to another important co-op game point. Individuality. I dont want to look, play, attack, run, move, die the same as every other person Im playing with. Let me be me with my friends. Sometimes when you are actually following the story of someone you can have your own personal take on the character but atleast give the option to have a preference.

Dont know what to do...

There are so many games coming out that I want to play/own. With E3 coming its probably going to make us all start wishing we had some of these great games. UFC Undisputed 2009 is coming out next week and Im sure plenty of people are going to be picking this one up. Champions Online just announced their release date recently for July 14th so that is definatly one to watch on the pc as well as Huxley. Still waiting to hear about a Beta invite for Huxley or Champions Online. Infamous and Prototype are coming out so thats goign to be some super hero/villan fun. Seems like 2009-2010 will be super hero and super villans boom with C.O. D.C online, Marvel Online, Prototype, inFamous, as logn with others I most likely forgot.