If you happen to browse GameSpot's New Releases page you'll notice that once you hit January you are literally scissor kicked in the back of the head by a slew of new game releases until the month of march. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
Bayonetta, Darksiders, Army of TWO, Dark Void, Mass Effect 2 and MAG
Grand Turismo 5, BioShock 2, Dante's Inferno, Blur, Aliens vs Predators, Splinter Cell, Lost Planet 2
Bad Company 2 and (no exact date confirmed) God of War 3
This has got to be the most anxiety filled couple of months for us hard core gamers. To own all of these games you would have to spend around $1000 give or take $100 on what versions of the game you buy. I suggest everyone start saving their Christmas money or start asking for Gift Cards.
I am a little disappointed that none of these developers took the opportunity to get the "before christmas buzz." Are these developers really THAT scared of Modern Warfare 2 that they are saying "Well I guess Santa Clause is going to play Modern Warfare 2 this year?" I really think that in a months time, people are already bored with Modern Warfare and are looking to get into something a little more personal.
QUESTIONS TO READERS: What is your plan for the next 3 months? Are you planning on going broke and attempt on buying all these games or do you have a couple already picked out and plan on sticking true to your outline?
PERSONAL OPINION: I personally get a Blockbuster pass (1 movie and 1 game because I am dating and girls want to rent their own stuff) so I get to play ALL the new releases. Although, I will most likely STILL purchase 3 games. I am guessing those 3 will be Dante's Inferno, Army of TWO and God of War 3.