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9 weeks of releases in 3 months!!!!!! Read for List

If you happen to browse GameSpot's New Releases page you'll notice that once you hit January you are literally scissor kicked in the back of the head by a slew of new game releases until the month of march. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:


Bayonetta, Darksiders, Army of TWO, Dark Void, Mass Effect 2 and MAG


Grand Turismo 5, BioShock 2, Dante's Inferno, Blur, Aliens vs Predators, Splinter Cell, Lost Planet 2


Bad Company 2 and (no exact date confirmed) God of War 3

This has got to be the most anxiety filled couple of months for us hard core gamers. To own all of these games you would have to spend around $1000 give or take $100 on what versions of the game you buy. I suggest everyone start saving their Christmas money or start asking for Gift Cards.

I am a little disappointed that none of these developers took the opportunity to get the "before christmas buzz." Are these developers really THAT scared of Modern Warfare 2 that they are saying "Well I guess Santa Clause is going to play Modern Warfare 2 this year?" I really think that in a months time, people are already bored with Modern Warfare and are looking to get into something a little more personal.

QUESTIONS TO READERS: What is your plan for the next 3 months? Are you planning on going broke and attempt on buying all these games or do you have a couple already picked out and plan on sticking true to your outline?

PERSONAL OPINION: I personally get a Blockbuster pass (1 movie and 1 game because I am dating and girls want to rent their own stuff) so I get to play ALL the new releases. Although, I will most likely STILL purchase 3 games. I am guessing those 3 will be Dante's Inferno, Army of TWO and God of War 3.