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Mastah_Lewis Blog


Ze heckness!... that was a really long nap!... or was it? (n_n)... well, just letting you know that I'm back!... kinda... gotta keep studing and stuff (u_u)... but I'll be aroud the usual places I used to be (n_n)... and by back I mean I'll re-start changing images and stuff like I used to (n_n)... gotta keep the M in Random!... otherwise it would be Rando, and I don't know that guy...

I guess you guys would forget how much @ss I can kick, so that's a little reminder (n_n)... workship me! (0_o)... every single pixel of it was made by me, of course... well, not the background... so... see ya around!


GRAAAAAH!.... 5-day weekend! yeah!... I want to thank everyone who made this posible... this weekend goes for us... RAWK ON!!!... the only bad thing here is that I'll losse my zombie-ish aparience... but I'll have a week full of classes after it to get it back (n_n)... also I just got out from a 2 days-long party... pretty cool... with the feedin' and the playin'... so want a pic? here, I have lots... but you'll only get one at a time:

This one is an oldie... at least from where I come from (wich movie is that frase from?)... haHA!!! now THAT is some serious paint-brush action!... Damn I kick @ss... Since I probably will be going to a concert later, maybe I won't be here 'till tomorrow, so... I'll be back... (n_n)


Well, it had to happen someday... to make it short:

That's about it... by the way, that's my classroom... which means.... INDEED, I fell asleep outside of my classroom, that lead us to me skipping a class... outside of the classroom... I was thinking something like "Well.... I still have 15 minutes... a little nap won't hurt anyone... at least not on purposse... *snores*" HA! How wrong was I!... well... now that I think about it... I guess I was rigth... I didn't hurt anyone... awww... oh, yeah... the teacher was laughing by the time I awakened... wich of course was at the end of the class... I kick @ss! (n_n)... What?... still here and not posting a comment?... a pic? I already gave you a pic... it IS a pic, see the colors? that means it is a pic... FINE! here:

There you have dash... your request has been answered... were's my goomba?... outta here I go!...

Wormed!... hmmm...

No, this has nothing to do with the way I feed myself... I had been playing Worms: Armagedon for the past week and, holly hell, that's a good game... the best part is the multiplayer wormizide killaton... and of course, the Holly Hand Grenade... so, people, I reheally don't have as much free time as I used to, and I know I should at least try to post a few pics a week to stop you from forgeting that I exist, but dear God, Sallys, I promise I'll do my best and will, indeed, post the pics I've made more often...

Now figure out wich tv character speaks like that (starting from the "so, people..." part)... Hoorah!


Hmmm... that was a long weekend... yeeeeeah, pretty rest-ish...but, as "almost" all good stuff, now is over and I'm back at school so, maybe soon I'll be all zombie like again, yay! (n_n)... now let's see... well, as you can see, I can't write much rigth now, cuz I spent almost all my free days sleeping... or eating... but never both!... not because I had not tried... if I can take notes while sleeping in class I should be able to eat asleep... but I can't... I just can't! (u_u)... well, here's the new pick... Just posted, because I know not everyone will be able to understand it unless they read the last post (TMRSYES - sarcasm)... BEHOLD!

Soon I'll make a new one (yes, masterdash, you know what's gonna be, don't spoil it...) and maybe, if you are lucky, prasto and I will get something new for you (n_n)... HUZZA!

TMRSYES!!!... indeed

Finally here, sarcasm history, by the random team!... that's prasto and me... and as the title says it is probably The Most Random Stuff You'll Ever See!!!... This blog is for pink (n_n)... so here it goes!:

It all begins with Ryu and Ken walking on this town called sillent hill, there they found a bouty hynter called Samus who worked for monies killing chicken-shaped pirates, anyway the three of 'em walked on the streets of the town where shadows where supposed to take control of it and clowns appear holding hotdogs... but those aren't just hotdogs, those are really spicy hotdogs with havanan sauce... it was told that the clowns would try to make you drool for 'em until you laugh, but the trick was in not looking at their eyes... or giving them a headshot. Well, after they jumped over the clown's house of terror and puppys they arrived at a tunnel that got them on Egipt, where they found Dracula fighting a Spartan dude... and after the five took some coffee they found this little book called the Bible and there they saw the word "sarcasm", they wondered what did it mean, so they searched for it in a dictionary and found it.

Random, are we?(n_n)... and to complete the set take this lovely pic with you, free of charge:

The zombies in this one aren't the same as in the forgiveness avalanche... that one is full of nak'd zombies... who where ninjas... and died a little bit.... SO LONG!


Well... yeah, since I haven't been able to... comunicate with prasto this last day you'll be taking a peek of what level of randomness we're talking about when I say "teamish randomness"... BEHOLD!:

Lisa Trevor is all deformed 'cuz she fell on a fireplace, besides five of the zodiac knights (the bronze ones) wanted her dead, so they sent Don Quijote's horse and his old girlfriend: Epona. And, thanks to the mistical fork of the seven Racist Radioactive Fire Glasses of Wather they where able to get all their faith on link to give him all the power he needed for his holly grail trial... the end. And that's our explanation of how Lisa Trevor was mistreated and how Link got the triforce of the ninja-zombies avalanches of forgiveness...

Huzza!... you're lucky if you get the whole point there...and that isn't near to the most random we can be together... that's like .5 of 10 or something... well if your head didn't went all boom-ly there's the other pic I had... since I like the last one more than this one I'll just post it but not blogheadder-ize it:

yes, I know the text looks crappy so here: Knowing is not enough, you must apply... willing is not enough, you must do.... some day we'll be able to post the most random thing you'll ever see (unless we post something again)... and maybe the history of sarcasm, but we need to fix some points yet (n_n)... so be it!


My first exam starts in about.... half an hour... algorithms... pretty easy stuff... if it does not have theory... I suck at any theory based subject... 'cuz my memory sucks... the good part of this exams thing is that the earliest I have to get up now is 8:00 am... but the bad sideĀ  of that is the "you don't have cooking classes during the exams" part (u_u)...well... looks like nobody wanted me (and prasto) to randomly explain something... so we decided to do it anyway (n_n)... but later, 'cus I have an exam rigth friggin' now... anyway, here's the new pic... yay!!!

It's Bruce "OMGSploshion!" Lee!!!... I actually have another one I did before this... but maybe I'll post it later (n_n)... if you're lucky... and I still don't have internet at my house... see ya!


So I had this idea... hmmm that's new... well yes I had it (with all this I-do-not-have-internet free time) about making an exhibition... you may be thinking "what about?"... what else? randomness!... but not just randomness but team-ish randomness!... and for this I'm gonna ask for the help of my pal prasto... the point here is you tell us what do you want us to explain/talk about and we''ll do it the most random we can... JFC! there's no pick!?... or is it? hehe, well it's an old one... but it's gonna be posted only, not blog-header-ised...'cuz it's old... here!

yes, the one on the left is Ace Ventura (n_n)...oh, and maybe soon you'll be watching the most cool apron you'll ever see... of course, it's mine!... but while you wait start makin your request of randomness!


As I told ayanami_rei, I'm gonna use the script-like idea she gave me un-conscientiously, yay! (n_n):
So there I was... being random at school:

Hey, what's the worst thing that can happen to you if you use steroids?
-someotherguy: Not sure dude, I think it makes you addict and impotent... and other things I guess.
-someguy: Hmmm... That's the worst?
-someotherguy: I think it-
-me: Nah! Sometimes you get struck by ligthing... sometimes...
... the hell?!
-me: Haven't you seen He-man? You don't get like that just by magic... if you know what I mean...
-bothguys: ...*walk away*...

There!... HA! and some people thought I just was random here!... also the other day I tried to marry myself at a party at school (they had this little "chapel" with students acting as priests)... they told me I couldn't... so I told 'em they were being narcisist-o-fobic... I bet they would have walked away too if they could... hmmm... I've got a new nickname... walkawaytor!... anyways, here's the new pick:

...yummy! (n_n)... someday I'll do another one...someday...
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