MasterCheif1228's forum posts
Ok well let me start off with saying that yes, i (For some odd reason) have recently become very paranoid when big events are about to happen.
For example, halo 3
Well i just played bioshock and the entire game i got glitches (Like basically, id try and pick up ammo and itd just disapear from the loot screen, Sound would skip when i die and rez, etc etc) Well i beat it and went to gears of war and im pretty sure its just my paranoia kicking in because i dont want to think of havin a broken 360 when halo 3 comes out.
Well anyways, I havent played gears since it came out, and i just played it today and once or twice my ammo would reload as soon as i pick up ammo off the ground (i think it was me barely hitting the shoulder button) and when i active reload perfectly it seems to show one less bullet icon and the first icon flashin before allthe reloaded stuff flashed.
basically im pretty sure this is normal and its just me thinking the worst. Is it even possible for a 360 that isnt freezing/crashing/playing games to add tiny glitches to games??
And yea im prettty sure bioshocks problem was just a faulty disc, i bought it used and a similar thing happened to me with GTA awhile back
Ok well i havent played my 360 in a while (been playin my other systems) and im getting a little worried.
First things first is that it has a new face plate, the standard stock one wont go back on just has the on/off button sticking in all the way so it wont turn off.
Second- i dont know if its because im used to the other systems,, but when i put 360 games in my 360 makes weird noises somewhat when its reading the discs, almost like grinds but arent grinds...its weird.
And when i was playing oblivion it froze once and it has never done this before.
So my question is, should i send it to them to get them to replace it or repiar it because its acting weird? or is this normal and i should just stop worrying.(besides the face plate part, wondering if theres a way to fix that)
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