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Nintendo Collides: Heroes and Villains...find out what happens here

My Pokemon Team
Nintendo Collides: Epilogue
by MasterFox72 on Comments
"Those long divided must unite, the long united must divide"
“ I dead?” Link thought as he opened his eyes. There was a sun...and his heart was beating...and there were clouds. But, he wasn’t on them.
“You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” Falco yelled as he took in his surroundings. Wait...Falco?
“FALCO! YOU’RE ALIVE!” Krystal screamed as she rushed over to him and threw her arms around him.
“Well, yeah I’m alive,” Falco told her, pushing her away. “That explosion didn’t kill us, it kinda just knocked us out, I think.”
“So, that means...” Krystal said quietly, looking around. Everyone made it out unscathed. Krystal took the great liberty of squeling in joy until everyone was back up, and they noticed that none of them were dead. The only one not among them, though, was...
“Ridley?” Samus said, looking around frantically for him. “Ridley?!”
“I don’t mean to make you feel bad,” Fox said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “But I think the Hands said they were taking him with them.”
“Link!” Zelda shrieked. “You’re okay!”
“Yeah, well, if I died,” Link coughed sand out of his mouth, “who’d be around to watch your back?”
“I would,” a deep voice answered behind them. They looked around, and Ganondorf was looking down at them. He continued, “Fighting alongside you two has proven to me that together, we can do more. Plus, I doubt I’m about to suceed in taking over Hyrule any time soon.” He smiled, and Link and Zelda could swear they heard bones in his jaw crack in the process.
“How do we know we can trust you?” Zelda asked skeptically. Ganondorf thought for a minute, then said, “The Great Fairy. Can’t she seperate good from evil?”
“From what I’ve heard, yeah,” Link said.
“Well, why don’t we seperate the two halves?” Ganondorf asked.
“It might just work,” Zelda told him. “But even the most pure at heart will still have some amoral inside them. No matter what we do, you’ll be Ganondorf the Dark Wizard forever.”
“But, if I seperate my halves...” he started.
“Yes, we’ll trust you, okay?” Link said, a bit annoyed now. “Anyway,” he tried to put his hand around Ganondorf’s tall shoulder, but failed, “what’s the hurt in having a Dark Magician on your side, anyway?”
“Wolf, you were great back there,” Fox congratulated him.
“Yeah, you two, pup,” Wolf responded, extending his paw. “I mean, Fox.” For the first time, ever, Star Fox and Star Wolf were congratulating each other. Even Falco and Leon, possibly the most sour towards each other, were having a moment.
“Hm...yeah, you’re okay, lizard,” Falco said, patting Leon on the back.
“You’re not so bad yourself, bird,” Leon responded. There was a long silence between them, and Falco said, “How’s about we start calling each other by our names....Leon?”
“I’m not so sure....if WE, of all of us, start calling each other by name, then,” Leon said, “that would mean we’d be...allies, or something.”
“Great idea,” Falco said with sarcasm. “That’ll never work. And both you and I know it.” Then, they both saw Fox and Wolf shaking hands, and they knew their fears had come true. They glanced at each other, then Falco said, “No. No way.”
“Guess you’re out of luck,” Leon muttered, plopping onto the sand. He paused for a second, then said, “Partner...”
“What?! Who ever said anything about partners?” Fox yelled, overhearing Leon’s remark. He and Falco exchanged looks, then Falco stuttered, “We..we just and Wolf...were...”
“You know...that’s not a bad idea,” Wolf said. “We can team up, and be twice as powerful, and probably go after bigger jobs, and make more money!” Fox could swear he saw dollar signs glinting in Wolf’s eyes.
“I like that idea,” Panther said, walking towards them.
“As do I,” Krystal added.
“Why the h*ll not?” Fox said.
“Yeah, could be fun,” Wolf added. He glanced at Falco, Leon and Slippy. “You’re outruled. You’re stuck with us now.”
“So, have any of you ever been to Subcon?” Bowser asked Mario and his friends as they all got up.
“Once, that-a one time we were on a picnic,” Luigi answered. “Then we-a got caught up in a rescue mission. And all I wanted-a was a picnic!”
“Luigi, keep your temper under control,” Peach told him. “But, Bowser..why?”
“Well, I just took Wart and threw him off his own clouds,” Bowser said. “So, his territory is mine. I was just going to take a vacation with the kids, but...”
“Yoshi YOSHI yosh?!” Yoshi blurted out.
“He said, ‘You want US to come?!’,” Mario translated. “WHA..?!”
“Well, why not?” Bowser said. “I suppose I owe you something after you saved me back there.”
“But...we didn’t,” Peach reminded him.
“Look, just go with it,” Bowser hissed. “It makes me seem like a nicer guy.”
“Whatever,” Luigi said. “Just as-a long as we can-a stay around long enough to enjoy-a the scenary this time around.”
A few minutes later, a small, black orb started forming above everyone. They all gazed at it, and Samus identified it.
“It’s a wormhole, of some kind,” she said. “And it branches out to five sides of the universe. I’d guess it’s our ticket home.”
“Well, then this is goodbye,” Slippy started crying.
“Oh, shut up,” Falco muttered, slapping Slippy up the back of his head.
“Don’t worry,” Link said. “I’m sure we’ll meet again.”
“You’re sure?” Peach asked.
“On second thought, positive,” Link answered. He smiled, and the wormhole slurped everyone in.
Nintendo Collides: Heroes and Villains The Final Battle Part 2
by MasterFox72 on Comments
this isn't it, ive still got an epilogue so hang on
Chapter 8
Master Hand was now high above his opponents, attempting to drop mines on their heads, when he saw his brother fall into the abyss, followed by the surefire sign that he was dead: the pillar of energy. He didn’t take it as a loss, though. More as a joke.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway!” he laughed. “I can just reincarnate him, anytime I want!”
“Okay, that is NOT something I want to think about right now,” Samus muttered. “Let’s end this, right now.”
“Oh, are you still sore about us destroying your friend, Ridley?” Master Hand taunted. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back. But he won’t be the Ridley you know.”
“What do you have in mind?!” Ganondorf bellowed.
“Why the h*ll would I tell you?” Master Hand asked. “Only the idiotic masterminds in movies actually give away their plans!” He barely finished his sentence when a fireball hit him square in the thumb.
“Less talking, more losing,” Zelda told him confidentaly.
“So, you still think you can win?” Master Hand asked. He scooped up Mewtwo, then continued, “You might want to rethink that,” before throwing the creature into the abyss. Another pair of energy pillars, and everyone was furious. Zelda, Samus, and Ganondorf started assaulting him from a distance, Link and Fox switched from close to far range attacks, Bowser was torturing him at a closer range, and Krystal was trying to screw up his mind. This all worked for minutes on end, until Master Hand soared up into the air and brought himself down with such amazing force that anyone in the vicinity was thrown off the stadium. Only Zelda, Link, and Ganondorf were able to hold onto the ledge.
“Well, this is almost finished,” Master Hand informed them as the familiar pillars erupted behind the trio. “It’s going to be you, or it’s going to be me...”
“Let’s find out who, then,” Ganondorf grunted, charging for Master Hand, a dark orb forming in his hand. Master Hand averted it, then knocked him away, but not off. He did the same for Link, until it was just him and Zelda.
“So, how should I do this?” he asked her as she started backing away from him. “Should I just kill you? Or should I kill your boyfriend, right before your eyes?” Zelda didn’t speak.
“Oh, who cares what you think?” Master Hand said, forming a gun with his fingers. In the three seconds it took to fire and reach her, time had slowed down for Zelda. She was frozen, and the bullets that spelled death for her were coming closer. She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to watch. All she heard was a shriek of pain, then a thud. When she opened her eyes, Link was sprawled on the ground, blood pouring out of his chest. He had taken the hit for her.
“No...Link...” she felt her eyes well up with tears. “ can’t die..”
“Zelda..” Link gasped. “Just..kill him. Don’t do anything to me until he’s dead..” He coughed, and with every cough, blood spurted out of his mouth. “ you, Zelda.”
“I love you, too, Link,” she was crying uncontrollably now, holding Link’s dying body as close as she could. She could feel his faint, perishing heart pounding desperately against his chest, died.
“Zelda, I’ll hold him off!” Ganondorf yelled as he fought one-on-one with Master Hand. “I’m sure you can find some way to revive him!” It only took her a few seconds, but then she remembered: Nayru’s Love. It was almost never used, as not many people knew the ways of the Goddesses, but it was a spell between two people in love; if one perished, the other would perform the spell, and Nayru herself would decide whether the two were close enough to be brought together again.
“It’s all I’ve got,” Zelda thought as she straightened Link’s curled body. “I hope this works...” She started reciting the spell, entirely in Ancient Hylian, which took over three minutes, and time was not a privilege they currently had. Half way through the spell, Ganondorf yelled, “Zelda, hurry up!” She was almost done..just a few more seconds...a bright blue aura surrounded Link as he was magically lifted into the air. His wounds started to heal themselves, and Zelda’s hopes were lifted enormously. There was still hope...
“Zelda!” Ganondorf yelled as he was blown away by another attack by Master Hand. He was hanging on a ledge for his life...
“Well, it was nice fighting you,” Master Hand wheezed. “Good riddance,” and he crushed Ganondorf’s hand that was hanging on, and he fell into the darkness. Zelda realized that Master Hand was exhausted; he had maybe enough power for one more attack, but then he would have to retreat. Now was her chance. She charged at him, a fireball spinning in her palm, but she was knocked aside, right on the edge of the stadium, and she was now holding on for her life.
“So, what’d I miss?” Link’s familiar voice said. She looked over the edge, and found the spell had worked.
“Link, you have a decision to make,” Master Hand panted. “You’re one and only love is about to fall to her doom, and I’m about to escape. So, are you going to save her, or stop me? The clock is ticking.”
“Zelda, no I must save you” Link said, sprinting towards Zelda.
“This may be it for now, Link,” Master Hand muttered as Link ran toward Zelda on. “But mark my words, I’ll be back. And so will Crazy Hand. And, keep an eye out for Ridley and Pikachu.” Those were the final words that Master Hand spoke. Zelda had let go of the platform so Link would have to go fight Master Hand instead of saving her, so Link had pulled out his boomerang and whiped it at Master Hand.He started to explode, writhing in air for a minute, then dropping into the abyss. They had won. Good had triumphed over evil. Out of exhaustion, both Link passed out. Everyone who was defeated and even Link had a dream, exactly the same: a white dot, growing larger, and larger, and larger until they could see nothing but white. Then, it flashed, and everything became black.
Nintendo Collides: Heroes and Villains The Final Battle Section 1
by MasterFox72 on Comments
Chapter 7
“Once again, the fate of the universe rests on whether you win or not,” Master Hand reminded everyone. Then he mocked them, “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“Positive,” Bowser growled. “Are you?”
“Well, being the most powerful beings in the universe, I’d say we’re ready,” Crazy Hand retaliated. “Let’s go! This is where it'll end!” Master Hand had just started walking on his middle and forefinger again, and he was walking right towards them. They all scattered, and this had to be the Hands’ plan. To separate them, thus making them easier targets.
“What’s the matter?!” Wolf yelled as he tried to keep the approaching Crazy Hand at bay with him machine gun. “Can’t take us all on?”
“Well, I could, I just don’t feel like it today,” he responded. "It's easier taking you on seperately." Both hands took places at the edge of the stadium, and each of their fingers issued a bright blue laser that singed through the stadium. It moved very slowly, though, so they were easily able to avert it.
“Stupid lasers…” Crazy Hand hissed angrily. “Why can’t they move any faster?”
“Because their power makes up for the lack of speed, stupid,” Master Hand said, as though it were obvious.
“Mom always did say you were the smart one,” Crazy Hand told him. Their moment was ruined when Link shot an arrow right through Master Hands thumb.
“Gah! D*mn you, Link!” he roared, flattening out his hand and soaring about a hundred yards above ground. He stopped that high in the air, then dropped at break-neck speed, right on top of Link’s head. At least, it would have, but Link, luckily used his hookshot to get out of the way in time. Master Hand shook himself out of pain, like one would normally do after banging its hand against a solid surface with a lot of force.
“You’re just making this harder than it needs to be!” Master Hand roared, fire coming out of his wrist and soaring high into the dark sky. “Die, Link!” He started soaring back to the battlefield, aiming right for Link. He missed horribly, and instead caught Yoshi on the tip of his finger. When he abruptly stopped, the doomed dinosaur soared across the stadium and into the abyss.
“YOSHI!!” Mario screamed as a pillar of energy erupted from where his friend had fallen. “You…” glared at Master Hand. “You’re-a gonna pay for this.”
“Will I?” Master Hand taunted. “Or, will you be the first one after him to go?” Mario’s eyes burned with endless loathing for the Hands. Without even thinking, he sprinted up to Master Hand and leapt onto his ring finger.
“Take-a this, you merciless..!” Mario said something so horrible, it isn’t appropriate to put in here. He started torching Master Hand’s ring finger with his strange fire power.
“Ahh!” Master Hand yelped, shaking himself in pain, also sending Mario flying to Crazy Hand’s side of the stadium.
“MARIO!!” Peach screamed, rushing towards him. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and he felt like his left leg had shattered. Crazy Hand got to him before Peach.
“Oh, yippee!” Crazy Hand squeked, mimicking a young child. “A new ragdoll!”
“No!” Peach screeched as she was forced to watch her only love be tortured as though he were a doll.
“I’m bored of this toy,” Crazy Hand said. Everyone knew that if he had a face, it would be smiling manically. “I’ll just...throw it away.” And, with that, he pitched Mario behind him, into the dark nadir.
“NO!! MARIO!!” Peach screamed as another pillar of light erupted from Mario’s falling point. She was just about to charge at Crazy Hand, but sharp claws scraped her sides. Bowser was restraining her.
“You can’t go after him,” he told her. “You’ll meet the same fate he did. Get a grip on yourself!” Peach gave up the rage filled monster fighting to free itself within her, and immediately gave it in for a sobbing, helpless girl.
“D*mmit, Peach! I didn’t mean lose that grip even more!” Bowser yelled as Master Hand took her as a target. He came flying at her, clenched into a fist. Bowser, barely even thinking, bounded over her and caught Master Hand feet before he sealed Peach’s fate.
“Peach! Get..out..of here!” Bowser said with difficulty. She regained her senses just as Master Hand took hold of Bowser and tossed him clean across the field. With nothing but Mario in her mind, she bounded onto Master Hand and attempted to break one of his fingers.
“You’re just wasting your time...” Master Hand muttered hazily, turning over and catching Peach in the palm of is hand. “If I was still human, I’d go for one of those ‘ask me out’ puns. But, I gave up that form long ago. So, without further ado, goodbye, Peach!” And, she too, had been lobbed into the dark depths of the gorge below.
“You know, brother,” Crazy Hand spoke up as the remaining offensive-Link, Zelda, Samus, Fox, Krystal, Bowser, Ganondorf, Wolf, Panther and Mewtwo-glanced from him to Master Hand. “This is a lot easier than I expected!”
“Of course it is,” Master Hand laughed. “Who’s next?” Fox and Wolf glanced at each other, and nodded. They both charged directly for Crazy Hand, Panther and Krystal close behind. Wolf and Panther distracted Crazy Hand while Fox and Krystal snuck up behind him.
“Krystal, if this doesn’t...go well,” Fox said, “I just wanted to ask you...” He reached into his pocket, but had to dive aside when Krystal screamed, “LOOK OUT!” Seconds later, Crazy Hand had literally crushed the spot they were just standing at, leaving a small crater.
“Fox, I’m sorry, but this isn’t really a good time!” Krystal shouted over Crazy Hand’s curses of his own clumsiness. Meanwhile, everyone else was centralizing against Master Hand. For the first time in a hundred years, Master Hand was scared. Scared of losing. These six were formidable together, no doubt, and it was hard to reach even one to get rid of, and harder to get them all to centralize for a single thrashing. He felt weaker, now, at only half the strength he was at when the fight started.
“ is this possible?!” he exclaimed as he dodged one of Link’s arrows and another spell from Ganondorf. “’re all just normal beings! I...I am almighty compared to you!”
“Think again,” Bowser retaliated, taking a swipe at him with his long, sharp claws. Fox and Wolf were having some harder times, though.
“God, this thing’s unstoppable!” Fox yelled as he and Wolf dodged the lasers beaming from Crazy Hand’s fingers.
“Why, thank you for finally noticing!” Crazy Hand floated above them. Seconds later, mines the size of television sets started falling above them, and they quicky got out of Crazy Hand’s range. “Now, just DIE ALREADY!!” He flew high above the field and came down on them again faster than they could react. Luckily, Panther and Krystal leapt into them at the last second, knocking them out of harm’s way.
“Thanks, you two,” Wolf thanked them as they got up. “Now, let’s finish this!” Crazy Hand was literally being abused by them, and all they were doing was unloading clip after clip of laser energy on him.
“That’s enough!” Crazy Hand bellowed, swiping his hand out as though to grab someone. Almost everyone escaped..everyone except Panther, who was being crushed by Crazy Hand’s slowly tightening grip.
“ thing...” he choked. “Make sure..he that..hellhole that..he came from..” Crazy Hand tightened his grip, and Panther’s neck snapped, then he was cast into the abyss.
“All of your team’s been eliminated,” Crazy Hand reminded Wolf as another pillar blasted up from Panther’s falling point. “You’re as good as dead.”
“He’s still got us,” Fox told him, he and Krystal getting in front of Wolf.
“Oh, how touching,” Crazy Hand said, faking choking on tears. “So what? Two more? Big deal.” Before he could react, each of them was on top of him, Fox and Krystal were blasting away..and something was being driven through him.
“What..what are you doing?” he yelled menacingly, though with a hint of panic in his voice.
“You two, get off now!” Wolf barked.
“But, if you stay on...” Krystal started.
“I know!” Wolf said before she finished. “I need to make sure it stays on, though! Now go!”
“Make sure what stays...?” Crazy Hand started..but he never got the chance to finish. The thing lodged inside of him was a bomb, and he immediately started erupting from the inside. He was forced backwards by the force of it, and after it stopped, his limp form fell into the void, followed by, not one, but two pillars of energy. Wolf had lost, too. He’d given his life to ensure that Crazy Hand would perish. Fox and Krystal weren’t about to let that sacrifice go to waste; they immediately joined in the fray against Master Hand.
Nintendo Collides: Heroes and Villains Part 8
by MasterFox72 on Comments
Chapter 6
The voices had just explained to the group at the meeting who they were........
“So, we’ve been dragged here by two talking hands?” Link asked, utterly confused.
“No, only half of you were brought by each of us,” the one called Master Hand explained. “But enough about that, we must end this.”
“But why kill us?!” Peach almost cried.
“You are the only beings in this universe that stand between us and universal domination,” Crazy Hand answered. “And by domination, we mean destruction.”
“And how do we, of all beings, stand in your way?” Zelda asked, trying to stay calm.
“You were all chosen before you were born, to fight in a war against the ultimate evil,” Master Hand explained. “All of you were destined to be rivals, then to settle your differences and fight us. We know this...because we created that particular prophecy.”
“You’re insane,” Bowser growled, his throat burning from the fire attempting to escape out of his anger. “You’re desperate to destroy the universe, but for what? If it’s destroyed, the point of existence is gone. And you’ll be killed, too!”
“We know,” Crazy Hand said. “And the point of existence thing? That’s the point. Destroy existence, then everything’s over.”
“Then we’ll destroy you,” Ganondorf muttered, a dark orb circling in his hand. “We’ll destroy you, then we’ll go home. And you two will be rotting back in the hellhole you spawned from.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Master Hand said calmly. “It’s almost like saying ‘I’m gonna die first. I’m gonna die first’. If you’ve already forgotten, we’ll remind you: together, we are the most formidable forces in the galaxy. So, you’re all as good as dead.”
“The fight-a hasn’t started yet,” Luigi said, his fists clenched. “Bring it on!”
“Okay, whatever,” Crazy Hand said with boredom, shaping his fingers into the shape of a gun (the figure that elementary students usually use). Everyone flinched for a second, and Crazy Hand laughed.
“Think fast!” he yelled, and strange, immense, yellow bullet fired from his forefinger, nailing Luigi square in the gut. He flew back, and only stopped when he collided with the Great Fox. He slowly slid down, unconscious and bleeding from his arms and legs. Mario was breathing deeply, and through his gritted teeth.
“Go to h*ll, you psychopath!” Slippy screamed, charging at him with a blaster and a wrench. He chucked the wrench at Master Hand, and he did nothing more than catch it and crush it.
“ bore me, frog,” he said, standing on his middle and forefinger and walking over to Slippy. He was too stunned to move, and Master Hand stopped right in front of him.
“Oh, sh*t...” Slippy muttered as Master Hand brought back his forefinger and flicked him a hundred yards in the distance. When he landed, he was alive, but barely. Half the bones in his body were broken, and his torso was bleeding uncontrollably. From the loss of blood, he passed out.
“Can you just surrender so it’s not as painful when we annihilate the universe?” Crazy Hand asked, though knowing the answer. “Or, should we fight you? And by fight, I mean massacre.”
“No, we won’t fight them,” Master Hand corrected him. “We’ll let our little friends take care of them.”
“Them? But they’re just about the most pathetic bunch of fighters in the universe!” Crazy Hand exclaimed.
“Unless they’re in groups,” Master Hand said. “And, we still have five-hundred more.”
“Oh, yeah,” Crazy Hand said dumbly. “I forgot.” There was another flash, like the one they all remember before they were brought to the forlorn desert. The next thing they all knew, they were standing on a large battlefield, with one main floor, two middle platforms on each side, and a center platform on the top. Below them, they all noticed a disfigured pair of hands holding a color changing orb, which they did not, and to this day still don’t, know the purpose of.
“Yay! Go W.F.’s!” Crazy Hand yelled from above. He and Master Hand were floating behind them all, off the battlefield, in giant stadium chairs. They even had popcorn and pennants with the words “Go W.F.A.!”, which made no sense to anyone, until...
“What do the pennants stand for?!” Link yelled to them. The pair laughed for a minute or so, and Crazy Hand was the first to regain his breath.
“Go Wire Frame Army!” he bellowed. As if out of nowhere, strange purple beings with red stripes on their body appeared on every side of them-there had to be at least ten. No big deal, though..Ridley took one swipe with his claws, and they all flew into the bottomless abyss below.
“Damm*t, I forgot about that,” Master Hand mumbled. “Why did we bring that superweapon in here to fight us anyway?”
“You know, I have no clue,” Crazy Hand said. “Wait...superweapon...we should take him back with us.”
“You get him,” Master Hand said, obviously a bit frightened. Anyone would be, though. Before anyone even noticed what was happening, Crazy Hand had taken Ridley by the throat and was attempting to drag him up, away from everyone else. He was failing, though; Ridley was easily squirming out of his reach.
“Stupid dragon!” Crazy Hand yelled, lunging for him. He was too quick this time, and Ridley was totally off guard. Crazy Hand started crushing his neck, in an attempt to kill him.
“What are you doing?!” Samus screamed. She feared for Ridley’s death. The fact that they were previously rivals didn’t matter anymore, they were allies now. She locked her Plasma cannon onto Crazy Hand and took some well placed shots at the fingers. Each one caught on fire, and Crazy Hand dropped Ridley. It was too late, though. Ridley fell, missed the platform, and fell into the abyss. There was an immense pillar of energy that erupted from his falling point, and everyone knew he couldn’t have survived that. Samus opened her eyes, and her visor was drizzled with drops of water. She had been crying for her greatest rival.
“You’re gonna pay for that one,” she croaked, locking onto them as Crazy Hand rejoined his brother. She took some more shots at them, but each one was blocked by a force field.
“I don’t think you should be worrying about us,” Master Hand told them, pointing to the battlefield. “You should worry more about them.” As they turned around, ten more strange Wire Frames had replaced the ten previously destroyed, and they were slowly rounding on them.
“This can’t be too hard,” Link said, taking out his sword and shield. “Can it?”
“They’re wire people. This is gonna be a piece of cake,” Falco muttered.
“Wire Frames!” Master Hand called.
“Do what you were created to do!” Crazy Hand finished. They all lunged for them, but they were ready. Samus, Wolf’s team, and Fox’s team held position, Link, Zelda and Ganondorf each took a platform, Mario, Peach, Yoshi, and Bowser were all around the place, and Mewtwo picked off anyone that came within ten feet of him. Of course, when you’re up against ten of these things at a time, no matter how pathetic they are, they’re still going to hurt you, and sometimes even defeat you. Yoshi, Leon, and Falco were the ones that paid that particular price. All five hundred of the Wire Frames had been defeated, though, and everyone had taken a small toll: Link’s nose was bleeding, Zelda was cut on her right arm, Mario and Fox both had blood seeping out of their legs, Peach was bleeding from both shoulders, Samus lost an excessive amount of shield energy, Bowser’s left eye was puffy and blood was gushing out of his knee, Krystal’s ears were bleeding, Panther had fractured his left wrist, Wolf was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and Ganondorf and Mewtwo were the only two unscathed, save one or two scratches.
“Great, I guess we have to fight you now,” Crazy Hand said, obviously annoyed they’d just destroyed the army of wire frames.
“Well, then, what are we waiting for?” Wolf said, spitting blood out of his mouth. “Come and get us, you cowards!”
“You’re sure you want to go through with this?” Master Hand asked as he and Crazy Hand descended to them. “We can just destroy the universe peacefully, and it won’t be as painful when your very existence is torn from you.”
“You’ll never win,” Link muttered, wiping his bleeding nose on his sleeve.
“Oh, we’ll just see about that, won’t we, pathetic orphan?” Master Hand taunted him. He was trying to get Link to unleash his rage, thus making him an easy target. It didn’t work, luckily, but Link was shaking in containing his anger.
“Fine. Then we’ll destroy you the old fashioned way,” Crazy Hand said, snapping his fingers. Another flash, and they were on a flat stadium, another orb below them, but completely black and surrounded by a white cloud. They looked around, and Master Hand was on one side of the stadium, and Crazy Hand the other. They were smack in the center.
“Welcome to Final Destination!” Crazy Hand shouted.
“They call it this for a reason! Can you guess it?” Master Hand laughed. It was do or die. The fate of the entire universe rested on this battle...
Nintendo Collides: Heroes and Villains Part 7
by MasterFox72 on Comments
Chapter 5
“Am I there yet? Am I there yet?” Panther kept asking himself as he stumbled across the cold sand. It was an hour before midnight, and he’d been walking since he crashed, almost thirteen hours, without food or water. He felt ready to just keel over and die. He knew he couldn’t give up that easily, though. Whether the odds were against him or not, there was still a chance he could make it. Back to his friends...and, hopefully, back to his life.
At the campsite...
“Get some rest,” Wolf ordered Leon at eleven o’ clock.
“And you’re going for another walk?” Leon asked.
“Nope. I’m going to sleep. We’ll be fighting all of them sooner or later, we should be prepared.” By ‘them’, he meant everyone supporting good.
“Whatever you say, boss,” Leon muttered. “Sleep well.” Both of them dozed off in an instant. The only beings still awake were Mewtwo and Ganondorf, who were exchanging in conversation via telepathy. They were conversing about how this battle between the two sides was almost unreal...that their very rivals couldn’t possibly be good in its truest form, and that they were definately not closest to pure Evil. That this whole thing was a joke...probably those voices’ form of entertainment: taking rivals and pitting them against each other. This made them want to know who had truly brought them there. Perhaps, if he was destroyed, they could go back to their homes...continue their lives...
“We can’t have gone out very far...” Panther thought to himself. By now, he was so tired that even his thoughts seemed to huff every so often. He went for another minute or so, then gave in to the waves of sleep being forced over him...
It was already the next morning, and Panther felt great when he woke up. Except that he was still parched and ready to start gnawing on his own flesh. He decided against converting to cannibalism and continued to trek on. It was three hours when he saw a flicker of green in the distance...
“’s just a hallucination...” he thought. However, when he got closer, more green started appearing, and soon, an entire forest lay before him...smoke billowing out near the entrance.
“It’s just a hallucination you idiot!” he yelled at himself, but the starving half of him was already sprinting all out towards the smoke. “Stop, you know it’s not there!”
“SHUT UP!” Panther yelled, not in his mind, but out loud, still sprinting towards the smoke. As he saw his companions in the near distance, he started running faster yet, but tripped over his own feet and flipped into the air, then collided into a tree. Normally, this wouldn’t have done much to him, but his body had already taken a large toll, being starved and parched for the last day. He passed out immediately...
“What the h*ll...?!” Wolf exclaimed, jumping up and whipping out his machine gun. He’d just heard something heavy collide with something nearby, and he had a feeling it was another spy for the Good side, but he wasn’t positive. When he rounded the corner, he saw Panther, his thought to be dead ally, slowly sliding down the tree.
“Oh, geez...” Wolf murmered, hoisting Panther over his shoulder and laying him onto a log by the fire. “I can’t believe it...”
“Panther?! Is that really you?” Leon almost yelled, shaking Panther.
“Leon! Calm down!” Wolf barked. Leon stopped at that instant. Wolf continued, “He’s obviously been through a lot. Let him rest, and let’s go find some food and water for him.”
“OK, sure thing, you got it,” Leon said quickly. The only thing he was thinking about as he shot out various animals from the trees was, “I don’t care how he did it, but I’m just glad he’s back.” They returned an hour later with enough food and water to satisfy anyone. Panther was awake by now, and being tended by Ganondorf.
“So, you did eject?” Wolf asked as Panther gorged himself with the food they brought back. Panther nodded, his mouth stuffed with raw meat. “When did you do it?”
“About a second before I hit the ground,” he answered, gulping down what food was in his mouth. “I didn’t think I’d make it...but, I did. Say, did you guys find anything out about the other side?”
“Nothing, except that we know the final battle’s coming,” Ganondorf answered. “It’s obvious; we can’t just keep spying on each other forever. One of us is going to have to throw the first punch sooner or later.”
“Yep. And I just hope we come out winning,” Bowser said, waddling over. “They might just be our rivals, but they’ve beaten us a lot before. Even combined, they could still pick us off...”
“Combined, though,” Ganondorf said, “we have more power than before, and, thus, and upper hand against two teenage Hylians, plumber brothers and a princess, four animals and their grandpa, an electric mouse, and a mutated turtle.”
“Hey!” Bowser roared. “I’M the turtle! He’s a dinosaur.”
“Okay, whatever,” Panther said, gulping down a cup of water. “Does anyone have a plan on how we’re to defeat them?” Before anyone even had a chance to respond, a familiar voice echoed from above the trees, “I’ve got one.” It snickered, and Wolf yelled, though feeling stupid doing it, directly to the tops of the trees, “Who ARE you, anyway?”
“I’ll tell you what...” the voice said slyly. Wolf had a feeling that if he could see his face, a smile would be curling its lips right about now. “Be at the Great Fox at midnight tonight.”
“The Great Fox?!” Leon blurted out. “But...that’s where all the Go...”
“Do you think I’m not already aware of that?!” the voice bellowed. “They will also be there, and with a reason like yours, which is because I told them to. Fighting will not break out, it will be assured.”
“Then, why do you have a plan?” Bowser asked.
“For later,” the voice muttered. A loud pop, and the voice ceased to speak.
“Well, if we don’t have anything to lose, I say we go,” Panther said. “We can probably fit a lot of you on our wings...but Bowser, we might have a little problem with you...” Ridley issued a loud screech, which Mewtwo translated, which Ganondorf translated, “Ridley says Bowser can ride him.”
“Then, it’s settled,” Wolf said, standing up. The firelight bounced off his face and made him look determined. “We’ll leave at 11 o’ clock. That should give us enough time to get there.”
“No, we can leave at 11:30, trust me,” Panther assured him. “We’ll be there with ten minutes to spare.”
“If you say so,” Ganondorf said.
“If we’re leaving at 11:30, then we still have eight more hours until we leave,” Leon stated. “Should we just wait?”
“There’s nothing else we can really do,” Wolf said. “Yeah, just wait.” They didn’t know how this meeting would change them...change who they would change the course of everyone’s-both Good and Evil-lives forever...
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