Chapter 7
“Once again, the fate of the universe rests on whether you win or not,” Master Hand reminded everyone. Then he mocked them, “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“Positive,” Bowser growled. “Are you?”
“Well, being the most powerful beings in the universe, I’d say we’re ready,” Crazy Hand retaliated. “Let’s go! This is where it'll end!” Master Hand had just started walking on his middle and forefinger again, and he was walking right towards them. They all scattered, and this had to be the Hands’ plan. To separate them, thus making them easier targets.
“What’s the matter?!” Wolf yelled as he tried to keep the approaching Crazy Hand at bay with him machine gun. “Can’t take us all on?”
“Well, I could, I just don’t feel like it today,” he responded. "It's easier taking you on seperately." Both hands took places at the edge of the stadium, and each of their fingers issued a bright blue laser that singed through the stadium. It moved very slowly, though, so they were easily able to avert it.
“Stupid lasers…” Crazy Hand hissed angrily. “Why can’t they move any faster?”
“Because their power makes up for the lack of speed, stupid,” Master Hand said, as though it were obvious.
“Mom always did say you were the smart one,” Crazy Hand told him. Their moment was ruined when Link shot an arrow right through Master Hands thumb.
“Gah! D*mn you, Link!” he roared, flattening out his hand and soaring about a hundred yards above ground. He stopped that high in the air, then dropped at break-neck speed, right on top of Link’s head. At least, it would have, but Link, luckily used his hookshot to get out of the way in time. Master Hand shook himself out of pain, like one would normally do after banging its hand against a solid surface with a lot of force.
“You’re just making this harder than it needs to be!” Master Hand roared, fire coming out of his wrist and soaring high into the dark sky. “Die, Link!” He started soaring back to the battlefield, aiming right for Link. He missed horribly, and instead caught Yoshi on the tip of his finger. When he abruptly stopped, the doomed dinosaur soared across the stadium and into the abyss.
“YOSHI!!” Mario screamed as a pillar of energy erupted from where his friend had fallen. “You…” glared at Master Hand. “You’re-a gonna pay for this.”
“Will I?” Master Hand taunted. “Or, will you be the first one after him to go?” Mario’s eyes burned with endless loathing for the Hands. Without even thinking, he sprinted up to Master Hand and leapt onto his ring finger.
“Take-a this, you merciless..!” Mario said something so horrible, it isn’t appropriate to put in here. He started torching Master Hand’s ring finger with his strange fire power.
“Ahh!” Master Hand yelped, shaking himself in pain, also sending Mario flying to Crazy Hand’s side of the stadium.
“MARIO!!” Peach screamed, rushing towards him. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and he felt like his left leg had shattered. Crazy Hand got to him before Peach.
“Oh, yippee!” Crazy Hand squeked, mimicking a young child. “A new ragdoll!”
“No!” Peach screeched as she was forced to watch her only love be tortured as though he were a doll.
“I’m bored of this toy,” Crazy Hand said. Everyone knew that if he had a face, it would be smiling manically. “I’ll just...throw it away.” And, with that, he pitched Mario behind him, into the dark nadir.
“NO!! MARIO!!” Peach screamed as another pillar of light erupted from Mario’s falling point. She was just about to charge at Crazy Hand, but sharp claws scraped her sides. Bowser was restraining her.
“You can’t go after him,” he told her. “You’ll meet the same fate he did. Get a grip on yourself!” Peach gave up the rage filled monster fighting to free itself within her, and immediately gave it in for a sobbing, helpless girl.
“D*mmit, Peach! I didn’t mean lose that grip even more!” Bowser yelled as Master Hand took her as a target. He came flying at her, clenched into a fist. Bowser, barely even thinking, bounded over her and caught Master Hand feet before he sealed Peach’s fate.
“Peach! Get..out..of here!” Bowser said with difficulty. She regained her senses just as Master Hand took hold of Bowser and tossed him clean across the field. With nothing but Mario in her mind, she bounded onto Master Hand and attempted to break one of his fingers.
“You’re just wasting your time...” Master Hand muttered hazily, turning over and catching Peach in the palm of is hand. “If I was still human, I’d go for one of those ‘ask me out’ puns. But, I gave up that form long ago. So, without further ado, goodbye, Peach!” And, she too, had been lobbed into the dark depths of the gorge below.
“You know, brother,” Crazy Hand spoke up as the remaining offensive-Link, Zelda, Samus, Fox, Krystal, Bowser, Ganondorf, Wolf, Panther and Mewtwo-glanced from him to Master Hand. “This is a lot easier than I expected!”
“Of course it is,” Master Hand laughed. “Who’s next?” Fox and Wolf glanced at each other, and nodded. They both charged directly for Crazy Hand, Panther and Krystal close behind. Wolf and Panther distracted Crazy Hand while Fox and Krystal snuck up behind him.
“Krystal, if this doesn’t...go well,” Fox said, “I just wanted to ask you...” He reached into his pocket, but had to dive aside when Krystal screamed, “LOOK OUT!” Seconds later, Crazy Hand had literally crushed the spot they were just standing at, leaving a small crater.
“Fox, I’m sorry, but this isn’t really a good time!” Krystal shouted over Crazy Hand’s curses of his own clumsiness. Meanwhile, everyone else was centralizing against Master Hand. For the first time in a hundred years, Master Hand was scared. Scared of losing. These six were formidable together, no doubt, and it was hard to reach even one to get rid of, and harder to get them all to centralize for a single thrashing. He felt weaker, now, at only half the strength he was at when the fight started.
“ is this possible?!” he exclaimed as he dodged one of Link’s arrows and another spell from Ganondorf. “’re all just normal beings! I...I am almighty compared to you!”
“Think again,” Bowser retaliated, taking a swipe at him with his long, sharp claws. Fox and Wolf were having some harder times, though.
“God, this thing’s unstoppable!” Fox yelled as he and Wolf dodged the lasers beaming from Crazy Hand’s fingers.
“Why, thank you for finally noticing!” Crazy Hand floated above them. Seconds later, mines the size of television sets started falling above them, and they quicky got out of Crazy Hand’s range. “Now, just DIE ALREADY!!” He flew high above the field and came down on them again faster than they could react. Luckily, Panther and Krystal leapt into them at the last second, knocking them out of harm’s way.
“Thanks, you two,” Wolf thanked them as they got up. “Now, let’s finish this!” Crazy Hand was literally being abused by them, and all they were doing was unloading clip after clip of laser energy on him.
“That’s enough!” Crazy Hand bellowed, swiping his hand out as though to grab someone. Almost everyone escaped..everyone except Panther, who was being crushed by Crazy Hand’s slowly tightening grip.
“ thing...” he choked. “Make sure..he that..hellhole that..he came from..” Crazy Hand tightened his grip, and Panther’s neck snapped, then he was cast into the abyss.
“All of your team’s been eliminated,” Crazy Hand reminded Wolf as another pillar blasted up from Panther’s falling point. “You’re as good as dead.”
“He’s still got us,” Fox told him, he and Krystal getting in front of Wolf.
“Oh, how touching,” Crazy Hand said, faking choking on tears. “So what? Two more? Big deal.” Before he could react, each of them was on top of him, Fox and Krystal were blasting away..and something was being driven through him.
“What..what are you doing?” he yelled menacingly, though with a hint of panic in his voice.
“You two, get off now!” Wolf barked.
“But, if you stay on...” Krystal started.
“I know!” Wolf said before she finished. “I need to make sure it stays on, though! Now go!”
“Make sure what stays...?” Crazy Hand started..but he never got the chance to finish. The thing lodged inside of him was a bomb, and he immediately started erupting from the inside. He was forced backwards by the force of it, and after it stopped, his limp form fell into the void, followed by, not one, but two pillars of energy. Wolf had lost, too. He’d given his life to ensure that Crazy Hand would perish. Fox and Krystal weren’t about to let that sacrifice go to waste; they immediately joined in the fray against Master Hand.