Entry 120: An obligatory letter to GS from a loyal user
Since we don't ( and can't ) know the real reasons of Jeff's departure, I think we can now skip the speculative era that plagued this site last week up until now. We can always sympathize about one of our favorite editors that gave 10 years of his life to joyfully grace the pages that made Gamespot even more specific; and now here's the time to hold the fort before a future ascension. I fully understand the frustrations of many users having chosen to cancel their paid memberships; yet I stick to the ground right now and trustfully hold the fort BUT GS remaining talented people must absolutely build a plan ahead that will ensure this site's future within a gaming media becoming quite competitive over the Internet.
In the meantime, admins must consolidate things and I'm willing to be patient. Still, one wonder - and ponder - the way three big stars left the boat within a single year for entirely different reasons: Greg Kasavin; Rich Gallup; and now Jeff. I sincerely hope they find a happy niche in their future endeavors. I also hope CNet/GS work out better incentives to keep happy their REMAINING gurus because we need them more than ever. Gamespot can't afford to lose three main pillars a year. The head honchos must find ways ASAP to cement the situation, and plan ahead to thrive. Otherwise, it's going to be difficult to enhance the site above what we should reasonably expect. And a lot of enhancements can embellish the experience furthermore, should enough personnel work as a team to implement them.
As of late, in fact through Fall, I didn't notice any major overhaul around the site as if people were ALREADY on a ''holding the fort'' mode. Obviously, they shall stay that way in the very short term in order to fix things as I said, hopefully within a better support from their employer. However they must design the premises of a NEW Gamespot, including a major facelift, and that should begin NOW. Hire additional talents, make incentives for users to contribute better stuff, nominate additional mods and - why not - international correspondents, and so on. Because I want this semi-directionless boat to float fiercly again. It's not too late.......unless the internal mood in your offices we, users, can't know about, doesn't allow you such a luxury right now.
So here comes the holidays closing 2007 to an injured Gamespot having previously covered great events like E3 07, TGS, and an insane amount of quality games in November. Let us heal, play at heart's content, and pray for a dynamic comeback starting no later than January. That should be a New Year's resolution for any GameStaffer wanting to level up the site, also along a better feedback to users wanting a brighter future here. Let's hope it's not too late.