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2nd Gig://prise6://HD Nerve Stapling

As a HD enthusiast, May 22nd shall be a titillating release date, tormenting and wallet sucking enough like never before since the inception of any HD format: Matrix Trilogy ( yet without a HD Animatrix  :evil: ); Pirates of Carribean 1 &2, Apocalypto, Letters From Iwo Jima, plus the newly arrived Planet Earth that majestuously constitutes THE main event right now, effectively showing less compression than the broadcast. Want somehting gaming related? Just try to get your hands on Dragon's Lair Blu Ray ( at a pricey 39.99 US no discount ): for anal nostalgics.....

I'm actually entangled to a kind of equal commitment to both HD disc formats, and don't get me wrong: though I knowingly stand my ground as a disc collector enthused enough to get the maximum PQ and bandwidth available, I also concede how ridiculous this war may sometimes be - to the profit of Internet & broadcasted sources that may entice more people in the upcoming years. Studios and camps alike are touting the niche, the few enraptured for a 1080p picture, in a directionless planning still involving arrogant exclusives. At least, during the VHS/Beta wars consumers had the choice to decide without any major studio exclusivity to one side. Not anymore, as each camp constantly proclaim victory under conspiracy swirls and, worst of it, over a measly percentage of the planetary market, growing very slowly.

Furthermore, the PS3 is in dire need of stellar Blu Ray games that could try at the very least to be looking more than a XBox game. The actual line up still pales in comparison to the vast array of excellent X360 titles. In my opinion, Sony has only one year to readjust its whole strategy before the advent of cheap Asian HD DVD players.