Death Almost got me today
by MasterSniper17 on Comments
So me and my friend Andrew were walking home from school today. Normally he gets a ride but his dad wasnt there and mom at the same time. So we were near the end of the field and about to cross. Well we started crossing and all of a sudden a green poatic comes speeding down the end of the road my friend andrew said run. So i run and he run we made it to the sidewalk in time and me and him said. Wth arent you supposed to slow down when there are people crossing. So the lady gives my friend the middle finger and he give his back and shouted. Well it something your not supposed to call girls i let you know that. Wats wrong with people these days speeding and everything esle and no looking for childen crossing the streets. If we havnt run then my friend would have been in the hospital as i type this. So that was my near death expereience of me and my friend hope it well never happen again for the rest of my life