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Dude thats gotta hurt seriously

So i was walking home from my school cuz it just ended. And i always walk past the high school parking lot. So i saw this one teenager drive really fast like hes about to do a doughut. Then all of a sudden a guy falls out of the passenger and lands on the ground and he starts to get up and go to his car while the others guy is about to leave and lauging at the same time reverse his car and went to check up on his so call "friend". So when he got there the cop who is always there to watch just and case of anything drive his car up the student parking lot and went over to check on the guy that fell out. Then when i'm about half way home i see a firetruck coming up the route to my school and i was like "now what" and then shortly afterwards i saw an ambelence coming up the same rout and i said "you got to be kidding me" so the guy look ok to me then again i couldnt see what really happen. And in other news if you have a GF or BF and they tell you they complete a assignment or something dont say "what you want a gold medal,medal,nobel prize" dont say it trust me on this one you just dont say it at all. MS17