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Secrently bought call of duty 4

At the eiton center today in toronto today. Went to Hollister first to see if they have the shirt my sister wanted didnt have the size in stock only had extra small so i went to eb games to look for Burnout Paradise but only had a use copy so didnt but it. Next went to circut city to see if they had one did had one and was about to buy it until saw call of duty 4. After so many walks around the mall decided to go with call of duty 4 with all the money i had and 5 from my friend. Which i own him 5 dollar nows i pay him back later so onced i got him sis was really ticked that i didnt buy her shirt my reason was i didnt know which one she wanted

she wanted a dark blueshirt...great that could be any shirt and when i probbley bought it home she willsay it ugly or something shes tick off...jeeze its just a shirt from Hollistier next she well probbley want A&F cant spell store name cuz too hard so thats my day

p.s did i tell you the guy just sold me the game without asking for my age