but first a little bit of news. I was at my local Zellers yesterday or Friday i should say and i was checking out the games section of the store. And i saw this sign that said $19.99 for any games in the bin. So i was going through seeing which game i could get for my cube and i saw Fifa street 2 which i like. So should i get the game or not
10-Promucious-Nelly Furtado. I mean come on when this song was first relese it was everywhere and i heard it everywhere
9-Panic at the disco-I write sins not trigesses...dunno how to spell song name but just hate the video
8-K-Fed only video and song relese. I mean come on does he except us to listen to him while he has not talent. He can dance but not rap so we can all make fun of him
7-cat Dolls-all the songs. I mena why listen to their signing while you can look at their reavel outfits. Almost eevry video their outfits gets more and more reaveleding
6-Fergie-London bridge. Doesnt have a really good beat
5-Heldy-Street fight. Nothing is wrong with the band or video but the idea was probbley taken by Blink 182 Rock show video.
I do the rest either later today of tomorrow