Not my style of writing blogs. Since its 2:27 am here i guess i do a gaming blog. So recently i have been playing origins right so i was at this one part of the game where you have to solve a bomb threat after it explode in a minning town so i was preapare to fight one (noticed i said one). Well lets just say the umbra (thats wat the character calleds it) put up more of a fight then usually. Heck it took me probbaly 8 trys to kill it (well i didnt kill it) a chick in a wat looks like a mech comes and kill it for me(thank you) but shes evil. Then after that cutscene i had to deal with another boss a lava fish. Cool so i deafted him (well not literially) he appreas to me again onced i left the boos room (Round two eh!) same results and finally he apprea to me the thrid time (Does this guy ever give up) so i kill him (Me 1 nature 0). Solets skipped ahead a few chapter so i had to do a three way fight (I should really finish that part in the first game). It took me 4 or 5 trys just to win after rearrange my deck and switiching my deck i had two decks always preapare with me a healing deck (Mostly fill with amour,healing,potions, and stuff to bring bck your character alive) and a offense deck (Mostly the oppoisite of the healing deck). btw does anybody know how i can make a video of me playing the game since so many people are making them. Thanks cuz i was always wanted to try making one and showing off my skills. So can anybody answer me bck on this question
Question: would you prefer a sword to fight with, longsword or a blade