Ok, so I was checking out games and the place I work, Zellers, after I had gotten off and I see a couple come in and start to look at Xbox games. I hear them talking about how their kid likes ninjas so should they get him that game, and that game looks "cool" so maybe we should get him that one. The two games in question were Ninja Gaiden and Getting Up. I saw no problem with it until the woman working came over and they asked if we had any Ninja Turtles games. Well, I thought, there aren't too many people who would be old enough for an M-rated game and want a Ninja Turtles game for their birthday. She said no, and it was in this time that I decided to step in and save the day. I asked them how old their son was and the mother told me that he was five. They were going to get a five year old an M-Rated game. And the nerve of people to blame all this violence on video games. Blah! Anyway, I told them that since the game was rated M that it was designed for an audience of 17 or above and carefully pointed out the ESRB listing on the back and explained to them that this is why it's rated M. They seemed to get it, but were still going to get him Ninja Gaiden because he liked ninjas. I asked them if their son liked super heroes like Spider-Man or Superman. They said he liked the Spider-Man movies. A breakthrough. We had a few copies of Spider-Man 2. Rated Teen, I know, but if he had seen the movie I figured there'd be nothing in it that he hadn't seen already. In any case, I made the sale and was quite pleased to help a couple of fine, albeit naive, people out, and maybe save their son from exposure of uber violent content. What the hell am I saying? You can't keep that kind of exposure from kids nowadays. Anyway, I'm out.
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