" Drawn To Life " Review
by Master_Blaze on Comments
There are several aspects of this game people will enjoy and others will find them a waste of time. " Drawn To Life " is an excellent game for artists and those who like to uniquely alter objects in games, but is not recommended for those who concentrate on strategy or graphics. I will review this games many attributes and give a final score at the end, so read on faithful gamer! FIGHT ON!
First of all, this game's story is more for those who are into unique scenarioes that are easy to understand, not for people who enjoy put together pieces of information to come up with the final solution. It takes place in a world made by The Creator [you]. The world's inhabitants, the Raposa, relied on The Creator for everything in their lives. But when a rapo named Wilfre tore pages out of the Book of Life [ the drawings of all your creations ], the raposa were left to fend for themselves. Gradually, Raposa left the village they all took residence in to persue a better future. Now only 3 Raposa remain in the village..........................
Of course, every game's control system is somewhat unique. This game uses the diagnal pad to move your character and requires tapping the touchscreen to enter buildings. However, what makes this game unique is the fact you draw certain objects in the game. This keeps the game unique and never boring. This games graphics are excellent for a 2-D game. The shading, facial expressions, and unique personal traits of the characters make graphics a plus on game enjoyability. However, very few objects in the game are unique, so keep this in mind.
The most important feature in any game is post game activities. This game offers the ability to replay mini games and redesign objects in the game as many times as desired. Other than that, this game lets you revisit old levels an unlimited amount of times. This game is very fun to replay continuously.
Now for the final score
Story: 10
Controls: 10
Graphics: 10
Post Game Activities: 0 { All activities I talked about are available during the story }
Enjoyability: 10
Overall Score: 8.5/10
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