My First Blog
by Master_Blaze on Comments
Since this is my first internet blog ever, I thought I should say a little about myself and tell you about my intrest in the world of video games. I then would proceed to finsh by stating some sort of wise quote. This sounded like a pretty good plan. About 5 seconds later, I relized nobody cared about that stuff and only wanted to hear overly biased jokes and crude remarks. I got into deep thought and came to the conclusion that I wanted to keep my fist blog clean and straight to the point. Although a lot of people may disagree, a web post or a blog can be interesting without making another person feel bad or offended. So I sat down and started to type what your reading now with one and only one intention..... to waste about 3 minutes of your life writing a post that said nothing accept that there were a lot of thing I thought I should do with my first blog. Some of you may feel ignorant right now, but be comforted by the idea that someone else feels equally ignorant about reading a blog that said absolutely nothing. Wishing you a good day and a pleasant life, this has been the official 1st internet blog of the person going by the screen name of Master_Blaze.