A subscription to ATTRACT early-adopters? How can this do anything but keep people from playing it until it goes FTP?
Also, it's a relief that it takes place in the past. I would have hated it if it took over the lore of the series. I'm okay with minor retcons to the backstory of Elder Scrolls, but not full on revamping the whole story.
I'll wait until I see gameplay footage of both single player and co-op modes before making final judgements. I'm kinda glad for the snow environment, though, because John Carpenter's The Thing is one of my favorite movies, plus I'm okay with human enemies, as long as it doesn't turn Dead Space into a cover-based game. If I wanted to play Gears of War, I'd play Gears of War.
...Except this entire article is bull. I think what Notch is complaining about is that they made such a big deal out of a Twitter message. Sure, some news stories broke through Twitter, but that doesn't legitimize Twitter at all. Then again, I'm more of a traditional article type of person.
I've played video games (both violent and non) my entire life (I'm 19). When I was little, I stabbed Octorocks in Legend of Zelda (and many others in the series) and beat up my brother in Mortal Kombat. I sent waves of my men to their deaths in Starcraft and Warcraft and blew off limbs in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. I've shot my way through hordes of aliens in Halo and sprayed ghosts with root beer in the Secret of Monkey Island. I've leveled city blocks with air strikes in Mercenaries and split an entire sidewalk of people in half in Prototype. I've killed everybody in every major city several times over in Fallout 3 (along with setting up their corpses into macabre tableaus around their houses) and beaten the insane homeless in Condemned. But I am a life-long pacifist and would never do a thing to hurt anybody. I'm a kind and generous person who just wants to blow off some steam in the virtual realm. If somebody plays video games and gets violent, it's probably because they're already a violent person. Video games have nothing to do with the violence, they just re-direct it from the real world to a virtual one. If somebody has difficulty discerning the real world from the virtual one, then they're the one with a problem, not the games.
"While it's true that we don't get to pick our gender, religion, or sexual preference in the real world..." I'm pretty sure we can choose our religion...
It seems to be that everywhere that the Xbox 360 gets lighting right (a brightened spot), the PS3 just fills it in with black. Either the PS3 is going through a "phase" or its lighting just isn't as good.
I hear of a lot of people (not just here) taking their PS3's back and buying a 360, then being much happier. I've only at most 3 people taking their 360 back and getting a PS3. Is it just me or is it all about people being raging fanboys for whatever game system they could FINALLY afford, whether or not it's good or not ::cough, cough:: Dreamcast ::cough, cough::
Master_Hav0c's comments