I'm bored so I thought I would post a blog cause I can. My birthday is coming up (27th) so I'm pretty excited for that because I am getting Mario Kart Wii. It seems that UK review sites that already have the game are giving it scores of around 8.0 and 8.5 which isn't as good as I expected. I don't really care, it's friggin Mario Kart, it's gonna be fun. I just finished watching an anime called Sola which was really good, I even cried at the end (Shh don't tell anyone). Sola was apparently voted the number 1 anime of 2007 by Japanese people which I completely agree with, although Lucky Star was really good aswell. OMG today I decided I would play Final Fantasy X, which I bought ages ago but never got around to playing it, anyway I put it in the PS2 and it won't load. It gets to the PlayStation 2 screen but then it's just blackness and clicking sounds. The disc is pretty scratched up so I tried cleaning it and attacking it with toothpaste (don't ask) but it still doesn't work. I went to Dick Smith's today (electronics store) to see if they sold cd scratch repairer, they do but it's $40. I can buy a preowned copy of FFX again for $34 so I think I'll pass on that. I bought 007 Goldeneye off Trademe (New Zealand online auction site) and WWF War Zone is on it's way. Um... I can't think of anything else to say so I'll end it here. Mhmmm that was a lot of typing for something that only like 2 or 3 people are gonna read, oh well.