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Simply Out of Time

So I am simply don't have the time that I wish I did to play games any more. My gaming schedule has been caught up in the cross fire between 14 hours of class time and 30 hours a week spent on the job, 56 hours spent sleeping, and at least twenty or so hours spent commuting, doing homework, spending days with my girlfriend, etc. Which depresses me. A lot. Especially with this wave of upcoming games. Bulletstorm is already out, and I want to at least play it to see what all the FOX News controversy was about, not that FOX is ever really warranted in what they say. Dragon Age II is coming soon, and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is coming to the PC after that. Crysis 2 is going to be multiplayer gold when it's released on March 22, Then Portal 2 and Deus Ex are in my line up. Hopefully by the time that May rolls around I will be out of school, however, and will have plenty of time to catch up on all of these wonderful titles as well as sink my teeth into Brink. Basically, school is getting the better of me right now. Latin is the most confusing thing ever, and it's an introductory class. Also, my Critical Reasoning teacher is far too critical when grading our tests (see what I did there, with the pun?). All in all it's just another normal week since I turned fifteen and a half and got my first job. The only difference is now I get paid a lot more and can actually afford to buy the games that I don't have time to play. Since I just started this blog two days ago, I guess I should mention that I'm the Assistant Manager of a local movie theater that gets movies second run, as in just before or even when they come out on DVD. We charge $2 a ticket, and on average have about six hundred people come through on a Friday or a Saturday night. Anyways, I'm typing this when I should be translating a Latin story, so I'll let this trail off here. Peace.