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Storyline/Review of Metal Gear Solid:Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid:Snake Eater is set in 1964 and the world is ripped apart by the Cold War, it follows "Big Boss" A CIA Operative who Infiltrates Soviet (USSR) Territory to rescue A Defecting Russian Scientist and Destroy a new-age Nuclear missile Launcher Nicknamed "The Shagohod" (I have no Idea Why they named it that) You will do 2 Missions in the game, "Virtuous Mission" and "Snake Eater" Virtuous Is very short and will only take 45 minutes max, whereas Snake eater, which is the main part, will take about 6 Hours on your first crack at it. The Storyline is rather extensive and Complicated, I doubt you will understand it first time round or If you have not played MGS1 OR MGS2. The game offers a variety of weapons, including SVD (Russian Sniper), Pistols, Shotguns, Mahine guns and the deadly RPG-7. The game is 3rd Person based, and I think it is essential because you need a complete view and awarness of your suroundings, Aiming for a new player can be quite tricky, 3 buttons (R1, Square and L1) must be held at once to fire a gun 1st person, although there is an more unaccurate option where only 2 are held (R1 and Square), but these skills develop over time and become and rountine almost. The introduction of manually chosen camoflauge is very good, and incorporates a more stealthy feel. A "Camo-Counter" Is shown on screen to see how well you are blending in with the suroundings and therefore have a less chance of being spotted. The guards on this game can be quite taxing because as the game is partly set in the jungle, it is very hard to see them with the Camo suits on. You can catch animals and eat them for stamina, Its really puts you in a abnormal situation, which is very well excecuted. You encouter a team of Hardcore Soldiers whose objective is to kill you, these are called the "Cobra Unit" They are comprised of:

The Fear - A Spider like man who Has the ability to jump from tree to tree and also wields a Crossbow

The Pain - A freak who summons bees to kill you

The Fury - Just a Normal guy with a really big flamethrower

The Sorrow - A Ghost who you fight whilst unconscious, He does nothing really

The Boss - The Very person who taught Snake his Skills and how to fight

The End - Really old guy who has a sniper and hes really annoying

The storyline is pretty good all in all except for the "Shagohod" Some Classic Charactors in the previous parts of the Saga come back. Well worth a Try