My union will reopen on Aug 20th time: 12:00am. But I'm going to send e-mails out to who ever wants to join my union.
And it's about ( Games- Clans & Teams )
We talk about all games, and the systems that their played on. We talk about when games come out, what the graphic are about and game play. We also talk about how the system plays or how's graphic's are as far as music, pictures, and can you go online with a game you just got. We also talk about if the game has cheats, walkthroughs, or hints to a game. So, this place is for unlimted talk about games and the systems they play on.
So come join the room and talk about your game.
I'll start by writting down what's it's about. And then write the names of who is really going to join my union. It will mean alot of your going to join my union you will please post here frist so I know your really going to do it okay. (Thanks alot)
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