I'd like to say I stayed up all night playing Dragon Age: Origins. Alas, I did not. I fail, epically. --most f'd up way to spell epic-ly imaginable. But apparently it's proper. --
However, I'm writing this post because I noticed a huge screw up in my last post. I meant to mention th eother game that currently is racing like a drug in my veins, and completely forgot to in my DA:O Excitement.
League of Legends is a Defense of the Ancients style game created by *gasp* the DoTA creators & Riot Games. For those of you who don't know, Defense of the Ancients was a custom WarCraft III map that is absolutely wicked and got such huge acclaim that Blizzard even had DoTA tournaments at Blizzcon in previous years. I never played DoTA much, but in all fairness, I've not played a whole lot of multiplayer WC III with anyone outside of my family, and unfortunately most of them didn't have time for DoTA.
Anyways, I am thoroughly addicted to LoL in ways I can't describe. Which is rather funny because I knew NOTHING about the game a few weeks ago. Didn't know the DoTA guys were working on anything, let alone their own game, etc.
To be honest, I found the game basically on accident. I saw the login screen on my brother's computer, didn't even bother to ask him what it was, went home, Googled it for some reason or another that I don't understand since I have NEVER given a damn what my brother was playing, since he has...well, not the greatest of tastes in games at times.
Considering I run mostly in MMORPG, Console RPG, & RTS circles when it comes to gaming friends, I'm still kind of going WTF, how did I *NOT* hear about this until about two weeks ago? O_O
But I digress. The game is currently in open beta, and while there are going to be some paid-for options in the future, the game at it's core is free. There is no reason for you not to go try it -- NOW.
And to be perfectly honest, the chances are highly probable that you will see me playing a very feisty, mouthy, explosives orientated Megling Gunner alongside (or against) you if you decide to play against something other than the computers at some point in your LoL career.
Anyways, consider that my PSA for the month. Ya'll know my handle. Add me to your friends list or just randomly try to massacre me. Either way, it'll be fun!
Oh, that reminds me, 360 owners feel free to add me if you like. I've had a couple people message me from here to ask if it's okay --- of course it is. I wouldn't post my gamertag if it wasn't. Promise.