I found it sadder when Dogmeat died O_O. Yes, my Dogmeat died and I was sad lol
Matrim15's forum posts
I'd have to say that if you think Oblivion is boring, there is something wrong with you. I have been playing that game since I got my 360(1 year ago) and I still play it all the time. As a matter of fact, I have played for at least 6 hours today. But, if you do think its boring, go back to your FPS's and have fun, because your missing out on one of the best RPGs ever made!
1. Oblivion
2. Fallout 3
3. Gears of War
4. CoD: MW
5. Too Human
Oblivion and maybe some Fallout 3
I will be a year in too months. Never had a cooler and I've had the RRoD once. Feels like yesterday that i got it lol
That was funny! Just one thing; I stand my 360 up O_O
I mainly bought the 360 for Oblivion. The trailers tantalized me into spending the money on an Elite, which was a good choice because I would have ran out of memory by now on the Pro lol.
Before it would have to be Fallout 3, I waited so long for that game to come out lol. Now it's close between Dragon Age: Origins and Borderlands, they're both gonna be amazing XD
Im pretty sure that Dragon AgeL Origins will have co-op. I mean, they can't make a game like that without co-op, now can they. But, I still recommend you this game, it will be out on November 3rd and you should really think about getting itthnx I will prob buy this then.
also why don't more ppl copy this type of game. I hear dragon origins will be good but will it be co-op??? thats my one thing about gaming today. They don't make very many co-op games. I do like to fight other people and I do like to do some single player stuff, but sometimes I just want to sit down with my budds and just kick somebody elses butt. Thats why Halo was good, it had co-op. (and many other factors but co-op was a plus to that game) Left 4 Dead had co-op, and then other games just don't have it when they could really use it and it would be a great addition to it.
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