Tough decision that. Probably giantbomb or
Matrixfart2005's forum posts
[QUOTE="iusm78"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"]No. Theyre drawn to look like slutt, innocent kittens, and if you find pleasure from them then thats saying 2 things.1) Youre disgusting
2) You cant get any real action.blackngold29
You can't objectively argue something like personal sexual preference. :| What is "wrong" to you might be "right" for someone else.Sex is meant to be with 2 living organisms for pleasure/reproduction. Not a freaking cartoon.
Actually reproduction is meant to be with 2 living organisms, preferably compatible ones for reproduction. I'd have sex with a wet sock, some condensed milk, and a Hungry, Hungry Hippos hippo if my girlfriend let me.
Actually, the only purpose of sex is reproduction. And you can't technically have "sex" with Hungry, Hungry, Hippos.That's a terribly narrow way at looking at life. Sex can be, and often is so much more than just for reproduction. It may be the primary function, but by no means the only purpose.
i dont understand, whats the plan of actionR-Dot-Yung
I think they will try to literally ruin the church of scientology. How I don't know. Hacking their bank accounts maybe....
[QUOTE="vengi"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Good. It lasted longr than it should. LJS9502_basic
A perfect example of a pillar of our community - a sad dayindeed :(
Why...because I don't cry when someone gets fired? Happens everyday in life.....and the community is not the same as the editors FYI.:|
It's a shame that you don't get it. It never was THAT he was fired, but WHY he was fired. DO you trust GS reviews? If so, how can you?
[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"]His account still says "Staff," and he's online right now.
I wonder if he has seen this thread. Wonder if he would be surprised at his massive fanbadse :D
He probably knew he was liked as well as disliked by a lot of people, but I think he is surprised by the sheer level of feedback backing him. However, the response would not be this extreme were it under other circumstances. It's the reason for his firing that is so damn infuriating. Not only are his fans reacting, but everyone is.
That's of course not to say he does not have a big fanbase, as he has a massive one.
1up has posted a news article on this too. Nothing much we don't already know, but an interesting read nontheless.
I have been reserving judgement all day, but I only stretch so far. I will no longer support this site.
Best of luck to Jeff and the rest of the editorial staff.
[QUOTE="cell_dweller"][QUOTE="1005"][QUOTE="cell_dweller"][QUOTE="hoket"][QUOTE="bellsmye1"]Has the epic purge of eidos forums ended? That was truly awesome.Firelore29
Eidos forums have been down for over two hours now. lol. Actually I believe they have been down for close to 4 hours now.
Thats because the moderators have had to take a break, some of the images posted on those forums were utterly disgusting in all aspects.
I didn't even go there. I knew what was going to happen, and I don't really want to dig my eyes out with a spoon. I like them.Looks like they are back up and they are clean now.
It just remains to be seen how long it lasts. The raiders may well be back in force forthwith.
This is a huge loss for the site. I am inclined to hang around until the entire situation has calmed and more info is brought forth, but are the rumors true I will surely cancel my subscription. I will not pay money to a company that takes bribes for reviews.
I am sorry cnet ruined GS' reputation.
In my support I will follow the growing trend of dancing Jeff sigs. Fight on.
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