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Mattarat Blog

And Just When I Had Given Up On All Hope

Well..... 10 months after ordering it (10 long, tiring, slow months) it's finally arrived. On Wednesday a delivery person came to the door and handed over my Wii. This of course made me jump for joy (Although I had coursework I had yet to finish for the next day, but I managed to finish it off at college in 3 hours) and I've been playing it constatly. All I need now are some more games, I've almost finshed Twilight Princess, and Wii Play and Sports aren't really proper games, more like party games. Of course I would have gone and bought alot of games, if it weren't for the fact that I'm broke (='( ) So it looks like I'll have to wait until monday to get my wages and THEN I can go and buy some Wii games. (Either that or actually continue playing on the 360, I've still got a couple of games to Finsh)

I'm Very Happy

Because today I saw an amazing deal, and went for it. It was a top package Xbox 360, with 4 games and an extra wireless controller for £300, so I had to go for it. The only bad thing is that when I opened up Crackdown, it was empty so I guess I'll have to head back and ask them "WTF?" Apart from that everything is AOK

What is GVG?

For all those who are wondering, GVG stands for Green Versus Gold. It's a project that i have financially backed. You can visit s at Shalafi Studios is the main branch which a friend of mine is in charge off. They do stuff which i don't really understand but you can visit them aswell at


The reason for this sigh is that now, 6 months ago i ordered my wii and the result is......... nothing. I haven't received anything and am kinda bummed out, oh well. Anyway recent news is that i have sent off for my provisional licence and that i am thinking of getting and xbox 360, due to the many good games on it and of course the upcoming halo 3 along with xbox live and what not. If i do get a xbox 360, i'll wack my gamertag up on here so if your interested you can come see me lose, horrifically.


The reason for this is because last saturday, started to pre-order there wii's. And on that day i pre-ordered mine along with Zelda: Twilight Princess. So basically now im just waiting for the days to turn into months until December 8th.