And Just When I Had Given Up On All Hope
by Mattarat on Comments
Well..... 10 months after ordering it (10 long, tiring, slow months) it's finally arrived. On Wednesday a delivery person came to the door and handed over my Wii. This of course made me jump for joy (Although I had coursework I had yet to finish for the next day, but I managed to finish it off at college in 3 hours) and I've been playing it constatly. All I need now are some more games, I've almost finshed Twilight Princess, and Wii Play and Sports aren't really proper games, more like party games. Of course I would have gone and bought alot of games, if it weren't for the fact that I'm broke (='( ) So it looks like I'll have to wait until monday to get my wages and THEN I can go and buy some Wii games. (Either that or actually continue playing on the 360, I've still got a couple of games to Finsh)
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