Google yourself
by Matthewv1 on Comments
Go to google and type in your name (first and last), see what comes up. It's very interesting to see what stuff you've done that's shown up on-line. Or you might find someone with the same name, who's not related. Google yourself, google your family, google your friends, google total strangers. okay the last one might by pointless, but the other ones are fun. I googled a bunch of relatives, friends, some people from church. The sweet thing I found is a family tree thing that my aunt made like 10 years ago on some family tree site. I had totally forgotten about it, so it was neat to see it again. I also found out that my Pastor is an avid reviewer, LOL. And I found my cousin that has the same exact name (first, middle, last), and found some stuff that he's done. which was cool, cause I haven't seen him in like 10 years, so it was nice find out a little about what he's been up to. -- I'm off to google some more people, and see what I can find.