I blame LOST
by Matthewv1 on Comments
You heard me, I blame LOST. on what you ask? I blame LOST for the downfall of ALIAS. Now a little disclaimer before I rant. I love LOST, can't get enough of, think it's an amazing show, so I'm in no way bashing LOST. rant back on. During seasons 1 and 2 of ALIAS, JJ abrams was pretty much in charge creativly for every episode. and the show rocked. the first 2 seasons were in my opinion, some of the best that TV has ever offered us. Season 3 was decent, not great, but decent. a lot of people didn't like it, only because of Vaughn being married to someone other than Sydney. Okay, enter season 4. Around this time, JJ was working on LOST a lot more than ALIAS. So other people were writing and creating ALIAS. Season 4 stunk. People called it the "Bad guy of the week" season and it was quite possibly the worst tv I've ever seen. Now that season 5 has rolled around, JJ is back working on the show a lot more. LOST is doing well and others are able to handle it without him always having to be there. Season 5 has had it's ups and downs, but had overall been good tv. But many of the fans that left the show during season 4, never came back. So the ratings dropped, and now ABC is canceling the show. the only good news is that they get to finish out season 5 after Garner's pregnancy leave. so hopefully they can tie up all the loose ends and wrap the show up. So in the end, I blame LOST for ALIAS being canceled.