Anyways, as stated before, you can get a lot of stuff. You can download demos, buy games, watch game/movie trailers, etc. I suggest you check it out yourself.
Nope, PS1 and PS2 games are region-locked. I hope Sony releases an update that changes this, as I have a couple imported titles I really want to play on my PS3.
I still play a lot of PS2 games on my PS3. Hey, I still plan to buy a ton of PS2 games I missed out on over the years(Soul Reaver 2, Ape Escape 3, MGS3: Subsistence, ICO, Indigo Prophecy, etc., etc.).
Currently, I'm trying to play through Persona 3 for the PS2. It's probably one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time.
I thought that 8.8 was a perfect score for Twilight Princess. To me, it just seemed to lack the "oomph" that other Zelda games had(OoT, MM). Jeff was simply giving his personal view on the game. He didn't have to give it a 10/10 like other reviewers were doing for no real reason. Besides, a score of 8.8 is still great.
I will definitely miss Jeff. On the Spot just won't be as entertaining to me now.
Most likely the PC version will end up scoring the highest, as all the games on The Orange Box originated on the PC. I just hope EA does a good job with the PS3 version.
I'm currently replaying the Spyro the Dragon series, and will move onto the Crash Bandicoot series after that. There's also a ton of other PS1 games I want to replay. I'm doing this to pass time while saving for a PS3.
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