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Mattio89 Blog

Creating a Kingdom


So, I've been playing through Medieval: Total War 2.  It is absolutely amazing.  The battles are frenzied and realistic, with the clash of men and metal resounding all around.  The campaign map allows for strategy and intrigue.  You can forge alliances, break them, join crusades, or just wage war indiscriminately.  It doesn't get much more in depth than this game.  Add in factions, stellar AI, and beautiful landscapes and graphics (plus some pretty entertaining cutscenes) and you have yourself a full package that can only be criticised for being too big and too engrossing.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go try and take over the known world.

Knights of the Old Repblic ... again

I pulled an old favorite out from under the papers piled on my desk, and have been enjoying myself quite a bit. Although Knight of the Old Republic is not top of the line in graphics or novelty any more, it still has some of the best story and gameplay of anything currently on the market. I've sunk 30 or so hours into beating every quest I can find, and I've just passed the half-way mark. It's quite refeshing and easy to pick up. Who doesn't like lightsabers anyway?


Warhammer 40k

I'm liking the looks of Warhammer 40k's latest game "Dark Crusade."  Quite frankly, the Warhammer universe is quite exciting and I like the inclusion of new races and factions in Warhammer.  I've played the demo, now all I need is 50 dollars laying on the ground so I can actually *buy* said game.  Ah well, it's not like I have enough time to play it now anyway.


LotR Magic

I just picked up an old classic that I haven't touched since last year:  Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle Earth.  It's quite refreshing.  The musical score is fantastic, and I love charging through ranks of Uruk-hai with my Rohan calvery or sending my Mordorian trolls to bash up Gondor.  It's quite good.  If you'll excuse me, I have to go level up my Elven Warrior battalion.


Be All You Can Be

I was playing Call of Duty Multiplayer today.  Sheesh some guys are really good.  I made my way to the top of some servers, but other ones I couldn't get a shot off before I was dead.  It just goes to show you that if you practice enough you can get really good at anything. 

Unfortuently, this didn't make me want to practice at CoD:2 Multiplayer.  It just made me frustrated.  I'm gonna go take it out on some computer controlled and sub-invincible opponents.


Learning Curve: Still at the Bottom

I can't figure out how to remove games from my "Collections" list as of yet, as I made a critical error.  I said I owned the X-Box version of KotOR 2: The Sith Lords, when in fact I do not have any gaming system other than a pc.  I remain proud of that fact ... Please accept my apologies for putting the wrong game in my list.


Thus, the saga begins.

An introduction:  I'm the stereotypical teenage gamer guy.  Little bit nerdy, glasses, and a nice gaming vocabulary that I use in normal conversation.  I am eagerly awaiting Star Wars: Empire at War, for I remain a fanboy of the the whole SW universe.  As of right now, if I'm not leveling up in Knights of the Old Republic Two, I blowing away some Nazi's in Call of Duty 2. 

I don't exclusively game ... I actually have a social life.  Therefore, check out my more intellectual blog at
