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It's Not a Great Time to be a Poor Gamer.

So, as I type this it is 8:45PM local time and the Wii is due out in less then four hours. Yet, I, sadly will not be getting one, for a while at least. I've been following this console ever since E3 and have been hoping to save all extra money I could for the Wii.

I figured if I saved a couple of bucks here and there by November I'd have the money for a console. Well, sadly... I have zero dollars saved up. There simply were more important things I needed to spend my money on. Rent, winter clothing, and car insurance, etc. So, I will be sitting back and watching Gamespot videos and reading about everyone else's fun.

As for the videogames I have been playing? Well, I dusted off my N64 and popped in my Golden Ocarina of Time cartridge. I've been playing that in anticipation of the Twilight Princess, which I will not be getting. The game is extremely fun. The last time I actually played Ocarina of Time was in 1999. So everything seems new to me, even though it isn't. I have vowed not to use any FAQs and right now I'm at the second temple. Just got the red tunic and now I must travel up Death Mountain.

It's amazing how that game is still fun, even after all these years.

As for my last gaming purchase? I got a Nintendo DS on June 2nd, 2006. I was going to hold off but I just needed something new. The last game I purchased before the DS was Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal... back in 2004. An awesome game that I would have never of purchased if it weren't for the reviews it got on Gamespot.

But, sadly, my cats chewed through my NDS charger when I was sleeping and now I can't even play it. So I'm stuck with my old console games and PC games. I play Counter-Strike 1.6 occasionally and I just quit the virus that is World of Warcraft.

All in all though I'd say my gaming life is particulary fun. Even though I won't be getting a Wii this year or in the foreseeable future.