As the gaming world should fully know, Bioshock has been released for a few days now. Since this was a game that both me and my older brother were hugely looking forward to, we sat down and played it for a few hours. Here's what we found. I will not go into the plot too much (anything from the demo is there), but everything else will be there. Read the disclaimer below (in CAPS and brackets).
One thing we noticed immediately in the first hour or two was the fact that elements from the demo, namely the Incinerate plasmoid and Security/Bots/Turret were no longer there. They do appear later on, but their location in the demo probably means that 2K games tried to introduce as many factors as were physically possible, without spoiling the game fully. For those who didn't play the demo, this wouldn't matter too much. Since the game is out now, only download the demo if you're really not sure about it.
We had fun with glass. Beating the daylights out of a window outlooking the ocean and it surprisingly not breaking or fading was remarkable. We came back after injecting the character with Electro-Bolt and it was still there! We also had fun with the dead splicers. Sometimes, the splicers twitch, looking like they're either waving, or scratching his/her face. One even did a kind of salute when they died. We found it offensive, so we beat his face with a wrench. Good times...
Technicalities over, we then ploughed through. One thing of note, Telekinesis is fun. What's that? Big Daddy's thrown a grenade at us? Yoink! I caught it in mid-air, with my MIND! Whoops! Bye Bye Big Daddy! The little sisters are really weird. You have an option when Big Daddy's not around. Save or Kill. Hmm, morale dilemma. Well, except for the gamerscore people. Its their mission to save the little sisters! Killing them does offer more ADAM, kinda like Dollars, only a little more disgusting. On another note, the Big Daddys can also be seen on their own! One instance we missed a Little Sister, then saw a Big Daddy on its own. Not seeing the point, we continued only to hear a bang. Turning around, the Big Daddy was banging on a wall, summoning a Little Sister! A few seconds of mayhem later and we got the missing little sister! They even appear if the level says there are no more Little Sisters to deal with!
There are a bunch of powers that are awesome. There are ones like Incinerate, which can do things like create Cyclone Traps, Freeze Enemies only to shatter them, Make them fight each other, Make the security go after them, and Create Distractions. There probably are more, and upgraded versions of the mentioned ones too. There are also abilities which affect your other actions, such as damage given/recieved, hacking ability, inventing ability and recovery. Each has a slot, which only a few at a time can be equipped. You can buy a maximum of around five or six for each catergory. There are also a large variety of makeshift weaponry, and they can be equipped with customised ammunition, such as the Electro-Shell for the shotgun or Armour-Piercing bullets for the pistol. Upgrades are also possible, such as the self loading Pistol clip which looks a lot like a chaingun's ammo case.
Another thing that interested me was that you can gain abilities via research. You get specific advantages by taking photos of enemies. There are grades involved, with A being the highest we've obtained so far. The fact Big Daddys don't react to cameras on their own is a bonus, and Little Sisters will stand there when their Daddy's dead makes documenting the hardest enemies so easy. You also get told which bullet type is most effective. Oh, for best results, photograph them lots of times alive. Especially if theres multiple numbers of them. You can also gain unique abilities from these methods. One such ability we saw was the ability to search again. It's a gamble, since you lose the first set of lootable items, but sometimes it really pays off. Just don't do it too much.
This all leads to two questions. Will I be seeing more tomorrow, and when will I review it properly? Yes to the first, almost no doubt. Second, well I want people to see for themselves before I review. Mainly because the game deserves the hype and doesn't need some amateur rookie intenet journalist saying things without properly experiencing the city of Rapture. And yes, I will want to fight the Bouncer varieties of Big Daddys. They look awesome!!!
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