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Advertising the DS Library

Now you know about as much as I do that sometimes, advertising works. Two games that I've been talking about over the past few weeks have recieved this treatment. One is Harvest Moon DS and the other is Hotel Dusk: Room 215.

In the UK, the DS has a firm grip on Channel 4 Comedy, and in particular shows like Balls of Steel (a show where people do incredibly daring things, e.g. Holding up the traffic with a tractor behind you, or giving people free umbrellas with swear words on them, etc) and Peep Show (The show that made Mitchell and Webb into cult icons). Many things have been advertised, such as Kirby's Canvas Curse, Animal Crossing DSĀ and Mario Kart DS.

So its no surprise that its happening again. This time with said mentioned Harvest Moon and Hotel Dusk. The Harvest Moon one resembles the Animal Crossing one, which is weird. The Hotel Dusk one is actually quite good, even giving a sample of the music. My point to this is that a decent game that one wouldn't have normally thought would be advertised, is being advertised quite heavily! This can only be good for the game and indeed the company Cing.

As of this minute, there are no announcements from CING about next products, but with the sales figures probably going to increase a lot, only time will tell with that. And we hope it is even better than the great game that is Hotel Dusk: Room 215.