It happened. Nintendo made the shock (not really) announcement today that Sonic The Hedgehog would be joining the Brawl. Don't believe me? Go to the Official Site, he's there, including video!
So whats my take on this? Well as soon as Snake was announced for SSBB, I thought, Sonic would be next. When Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was announced, I thought, Sonic's in Brawl! Today I got confirmation, and some moneys from people who said I was mad! As one person on the boards rightly put it "That solves the question of who beats who from 1991-1995".
A lot of people have said that Megaman would be next. I'd like to see that, but I doubt it. There are grounds for and against though, which are interesting to contemplate.
Since items from Metal Gear Solid have been announced and a level created for Snake, no doubt there would be stuff for Sonic too. Assist would come in either Tails or Robotnik (I refuse to say Eggman, silly name!) and Shadow/Knuckles would be there as secrets. Items would include Rings (They could half damage taken whilst being carried), TVs, etc. Level, Green Hill Zone, no contest!
Do I like the looks of this game, SURE I BLOODY DO!!! :D