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Maverick-79 Blog

Doctor Who

The new series of Doctor Who finished this past weekend and i must admit the final episode 'The Parting of the Waves' was one of the best Sci-Fiction shows i have seen. Not just a great Doctor Who episode but a great episode itself. I had never watched Who before this new series had started and i am very please with what i have seen so far. The vast majority of episodes were of a very high standard. It was so different to what i have seen before and as British Sci-Fi it was so refreshing to the standard Amercian science fiction. For those mourning Enterprise and i was one of them just tune in to Lost or Doctor Who to see that its not such a great loss after all. I will join in with the chorus and say how sad it is that Christopher Eccelesson is leaving but i have high hopes for David Tennent. One of my biggest suprises was how good an actress Billie Piper has been. Her performance throughout the series and especially at the end of the parting of the waves was excepectional. The comedy of Doctor Who and the sense of fun and exploring made this series a must watch. Also well done for the Bad Wolf arc which had us all guessing throughout the series. Hurry up with series 2 and the christmas invasion. Also its going to be interesting to see the cybermen in the new series as well

Movies and TV

Its been 'announced' this week that two of my favourite shows are being made into movies. The Simpsons after years of speculation appears finally to be coming to the big screen. For years its been said that the movie would take place after the televsion series has been finished however with no end in sight of Fox's money spinner, it looks like a movie is coming in the next two years to run alongside the TV series. The Simpons has been going downhill for years now, though still able to produce sheer brilliance at times its clearly its not in its prime. This makes me worry about a movie. It would be horrible to see after all these years a crap movie. This is why i hope we see something different, maybe turning Homer 3D like in one of the treeshouse of horror episodes. Its not really the Simpson fault, its funny cos i was watching it last nite the episode where ictchy and scratchy introduce Poochy the Dog. There is a comment Lisa makes something like "There is nothing wrong with Itchy and Scratchy you just cant except the same characters to have the same impact after all these years' Very True :-) Also 24 another series which though in new too i have really got into. Im not sure how accurate this news is as Fox did confirm that 24 has been signed for a 5th and 6th series. I dont want to see a movie yet, the format is still producing top quality TV which is only really matched by Lost. Movies usually dont live up to the TV series as the story cannot be fleshed out as much. Make the Simpsons movie but leave 24 alone for a least a few more years.

TV Tome is Dead, Long Live

When i first heard about tvtome being sold i wasnt partically happy about it. TVtome was such a great resource for all things TV. However i am quite impressed with the new site. I was concerned you might have to pay to join or the site would be totally different. But im pleased with all the new features and it makes TVtome look quite basic. Keep up the good work.