Doctor Who
by Maverick-79 on Comments
The new series of Doctor Who finished this past weekend and i must admit the final episode 'The Parting of the Waves' was one of the best Sci-Fiction shows i have seen. Not just a great Doctor Who episode but a great episode itself. I had never watched Who before this new series had started and i am very please with what i have seen so far. The vast majority of episodes were of a very high standard. It was so different to what i have seen before and as British Sci-Fi it was so refreshing to the standard Amercian science fiction. For those mourning Enterprise and i was one of them just tune in to Lost or Doctor Who to see that its not such a great loss after all. I will join in with the chorus and say how sad it is that Christopher Eccelesson is leaving but i have high hopes for David Tennent. One of my biggest suprises was how good an actress Billie Piper has been. Her performance throughout the series and especially at the end of the parting of the waves was excepectional. The comedy of Doctor Who and the sense of fun and exploring made this series a must watch. Also well done for the Bad Wolf arc which had us all guessing throughout the series. Hurry up with series 2 and the christmas invasion. Also its going to be interesting to see the cybermen in the new series as well