Maverick-79's forum posts
To answer some replys, I cannot return it as I have opened it and therefore the shop isnt interested.
I think alot of the feeling I have for my PS3 is what one poster called 'buyers remorse' I shouldnt have spent all that moneybut I did so I should stop feeling guilty.
You never know come september time when Im playing Heavenly Sword etc I may look back at this and wonder what i wasworrying about
Blue-Ray looks great and Motorstorm and Resistance are decent games but i just feel there is something missing. The online side of it needs some serious work and just shows how good xbox live is. I am seriously thinking of selling it :(
Anyone else feel like this ?? Am I jumping the gun a bit ??? Is the fact ive spent so much money souring my experience ?
2. When will PSone game arrive on the PS3 store ???
3. Can you continue private chat in games ????
4. Can you log in to and view friends online etc and send them messages like
5. What games currently work under remote play on the PSP ???
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