ya i have to say the xbomb one is just not a good idea =it doesn't have any really good games -titan fall doesn't look that good and all we have seen is scripted game play from what ive seen i just don't see it as that good either also hardware does matter -and i have to say that i don't like the eye of microsoft watching me constantly its something im never going to use because every kinect game has been bad -its pointless and needs to be stopped instead of forced on us
bad idea this will kill good games -i also think it will cause damage to the industry along side the higher costs of game publishing and the less content we have been getting i think this is just another one of those idiot corp. marketing ideas that sounds good because they think it will allow them more control over their games -or its to find out what else we are doing -if i want to be online i will but i don't like having to plus we may be online a lot but constant connectivity is not a reality -the signal goes out a lot around here and thats the cable provider charter communications-they are crap can't get a very fast connection and thats just my side -i doubt with recent shit like sim city and diablo 3 that the companies making these games can hold up their end -and the other problem is what happens when they want to put out a new console and terminate this one -they can make it so all you have is a 500 dollar brick this entire concept is to make it so they have power and control over us -NO we are the ones with what they want we need to tell them that crap like this will not fly -we need to stop buying at launch (buy like a week or 2 later if you must have it that way it hurts their sales numbers and they won't do this shit -its a good idea saw it on the jimquisition on the escapist) we must not support ideas like this
@Joeasdfghjkl you missed what i said. I said EASY access to guns -i don't intend to deny people guns-hunting is a useful wildlife management tool for certain animals with no predators (deer due to humans killing or removing predators) I don't like how EASY it is to get a gun. the problem is that anyone can get a gun. Gun shows and other loop holes allow people who shouldn't be able to purchase a fire arm to get one. There is a problem and YES im scared ANY person mental unstable or amoral can get a gun and just decide to kill a person -that person might not even know them remember those sniper incidents. They just pick a person and they die no reason they die because thats was a gun gives some one the power to kill some one quickly and easily form a distance making it easy to do. Also the biggest problem in the country is hand guns something you DO NOT NEED to hunt with and are designed to be used against other humans. How would you feel is someone you love was shot and killed by someone just because lack gun laws allowed them to get a gun and shoot them. I think anyone who wants a gun needs to be checked out by people who can determine their state of mind or at the least give them proper training in gun use and security -locking up a gun so some idiot can't get it is an important step. Also some way to limit hand gun ammo should be looked into. I just want less danger in the world and don't claim i have nothing to be scared of this is the real danger in this world people not doing what is expected of them and allowing crap like this to happen then trying to pass the buck to a scape goat.
they are scared because they are a minority of crazy nuts who think they need a gun because they are scared of their fellow man. Overall i think they need to face the fact that what the real problem is that people have easy access to weapons designed to KILL. Other items used as weapons frequenly have other purposes but guns are designed simply to kill. The NRA needs a swift kick in the ass
its actually not bad -i saw the movie already at anime weekend atlanta. It actually develops vega a bit makes him less of a meat head. Overall i think the movie was ok. Plus even though you know whats going to happen it exciting to watch.
@voods07 -the kishok was added on the first dlc its not day one equipment -also it doesn't do much without charging and its not that great a multiplayer weapon
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