I just recently purchased Midnight Club Los Angeles. I have to say this game isextremely frustrating. If you not looking at the map to see where you next turn is, you looking to see where the other cars are. Then on top off that you have to watch out for traffic which seems to spawn at the most random moments. It's a good game but unfortuntely I don't have the patch that came out that makes the A.I. not cheat so much. One last thing, how is it pssoible for the A.I. to make such great maneuvers and crash with out losing any speed
Thats nothing try Ninja gaiden 2.I have Ninja Gaiden 2 but I don't play it that much b/c of all the other games I'm trying to beat. If Ninja Gaiden 2 is as hard as Ninja Gaiden 1, I think it's going to be awhile before I beat this game.
NG2 is the hardest game ive ever played.
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